In Case You Missed This: A Connection Between The Muslim Brotherhood and “Never Trump”?

Much has been written about the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into American culture , government, and social unrest. However, there was little, if any, coverage of the topic below in the MSM.

We know that the left is in denial regarding Islam. The oppression of women and execution of gays seems to elude left leaning awareness. We are not just talking about the globalist machinations using Islam as a tool for their own ends. The real danger is the useful idiots who support Islamism in a convoluted belief that they share the same values. How pathetic!

Nevertheless, the silent, thinking majority is well aware of the undercurrents and just exactly who is navigating the ship into what port.

The Never Trump movement did appear to be a rather "Trumped Up" (sorry) crusade resting upon questionable charges by insiders with much to lose should he win.

Apparently, they have an ally, the Muslim Brotherhood. In view of the MB's dedication of destroying American culture and replacing it with a totalitarian regime, does this not make the Never Trumpers guilty of colluding with the enemy thus, de facto traitors?

It appears as though the madness of the well fueled manipulated continues even after the election. Soros continues to fund protests to push forward for the "agenda", and the useful idiots continue to oblige.

Totalitarians Hell bent on remaking the world according to their own specifications never quit. They simply fade away, quietly regroup, and wait until the time is right to strike again. There will always be plenty of eager foot soldiers to carry out their orders.

The following article contains a treasure trove of information. Sickening!

The Emerging Connections Between The Muslim Brotherhood and “Never Trump”…

Posted on September 28, 2016 by sundance

Were it not for an fortuitous, albeit innocuous, picture spotted today – a connection would never have been possible. As such please consider this outline an important addendum to The Benghazi Brief…. and bear with me as we attempt to outline something quite remarkable as it relates to the 2016 campaign against Donald Trump.

What you are about to read is specifically how the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS, connect to those outlined above – and how their individual behaviors within the 2016 election begin to make sense. Perhaps, like us, you will have an ah-ha moment.

The “Never Trump” coalition has always consisted of a few noisy and indecent politicians within Washington DC. Senator Ben Sasse, Senator Jeff Flake and Representative Adam Kinzinger the most noteworthy and vitriolic.

Whenever CNN, or for that matter any media, want a republican voice to argue against Donald Trump, in the “current days’ outrage du jour”, they call upon Kinzinger first and foremost. He seemingly loves the spotlight as much as he enjoys promoting himself on social media. In essence, he’s a proud #NeverTrumper.

We’ll come back to Kinzinger and McMullin in a moment. But first we must place the second set of puzzle pieces on the table.

When we did all the exhaustive research into the Benghazi Brief three years ago, one of the pictures that continued to draw our interest was this one:

The picture above was taken during a time when Senator John McCain visited Syria, and the Western media were proclaiming there were “moderates” in the opposition to Bashir Assad.   Senator McCain proclaimed this 2012 visit to be meeting with the “Free Syrian Army”.   [Coincidentally, this was on the same trip where he met Ambassador Chris Stevens at the Benghazi courthouse in Libya for the last time].

However, at the same time McCain was trying to convince the world of moderate Syrian resistance, multiple voices within non-traditional journalism, and a large number of people doing independent research, reached the conclusion that al-qaeda and al-Nusra extremists had completely infiltrated the Syrian resistance groups, and a new militant Islamic network was forming.
"NO ISLAM WITHOUT JIHAD" - members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba'a, or "strangers", after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden's time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year. They try to hide their presence. "Some people are worried about carrying the [black] flags," said Abu Khuder. "They fear America will come and fight us. So we fight in secret. Why give Bashar and the west a pretext?" But their existence is common knowledge in Mohassen. Even passers-by joke with the men about car bombs and IEDs.
“2012 NO ISLAM WITHOUT JIHAD” – members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba’a, or “strangers”, after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden’s time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year.
They try to hide their presence. “Some people are worried about carrying the [black] flags,” said Abu Khuder. “They fear America will come and fight us. So we fight in secret. Why give Bashar and the west a pretext?” But their existence is common knowledge in Mohassen. Even passers-by joke with the men about car bombs and IEDs.

That network ultimately evidenced and defined itself as the Islamic State, or ISIS.

In 2013 and 2014, even though ISIS initially did not have a name, as the hardline extremists in Syria became more openly visible, eventually the western media accepted Raqqa and Aleppo had become the de-facto center of Syrian ISIS operations. In August of 2014 President Obama finally admitted the problem and stated his administration was caught off guard and did not have a strategy to combat them.

Back To The Photograph – The importance of the McCain photograph became increasingly interesting because ISIS as an extremist force became increasingly visible. As a direct consequence we were able to identify the ideology of the people in the picture:

There has been some skepticism as to #2 being al-Baghdadi himself, and Senator John McCain has strongly refuted this claim.  However, there is more evidence to prove it is Baghdadi than to refute it’s not Baghdadi.  Person #2 looks just like him:
In addition, one of the important bits of evidence to prove #2 is indeed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is actually found in #1 Abu Mosa (ISIS Press Officer).
There is absolutely no doubt that #1 is the (now dead) Islamic State Press Officer Abu Mosa.
abu-mosa-2abu mosa dead
Abu Mosa was killed in August 2014.   In 2012, during organization, Baghdadi would have a man with this level of importance to the Islamic State around him at the time this picture was taken.
However, lets look at #5 – “Mouaz Moustafa”, because he is the current person that should be of interest to everyone in the 2016 presidential discussion.  Moustafa is the connective tissue per se’.   In the photograph, he’s also Senator McCain’s intermediary:
Fast forward two intense years later and look where #5, Mouaz Moustafa shows up in 2014. And more specifically the two faces that show up with him:
Well lookie there. During a trip to Turkey in 2014 to discuss arming Syrian rebel groups, under the auspices of fighting ISIS, you see Representative Adam Kinzinger appear. Oh yeah, and who’s that other fellow circled in the meeting? ….why that’s our anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin.

Huh, fancy that.

Spotting Evan McMullin conspicuously standing there in the picture made us want to go back to the CNN file footage from the time and see if he was actually visible in the report they filed from Turkey. Yup, he’s there alright.

Watch and spot him in the background during quite a bit of the footage:

Long before anyone heard about Evan McMullin running for President, there he is paling around with #NeverTrump Adam Kinzinger in Turkey chatting with the Muslim Brotherhood affiliates (guise SETF) who are essentially the political arm of ISIS under a differing name.

The declared purpose of the meeting was to discuss who and how to arm the entities within Syria. However, just like in 2012/2013 these same Brotherhood voices in 2014 are simply trying to present themselves as one thing, only to gain the goal of another. That’s ultimately the story behind the arms deals within The Benghazi Brief. That’s the lesson that should have been learned if the truth contained within the brief were ever to have larger public interest.

Additionally, all that said – it’s connections like these that make other things, like the opposition to Donald Trump, make much more sense.

Source:    The Conservative Tree House

Knowledge is power. The Realistic Observer is a non-partisan, non-profit blog dedicated to keeping our readers as informed as possible.



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