by Robby Bowling
As we approach what I'd have to call the "Beginning Of the End" next Tuesday November 8, will that be a day that a "day to remember?" Will that be a DAY to celebrate ? My parents, my Uncles & the rest of my Elders could all telly you what they were doing, thinking & wondering when the Japanese Bombed Pearl Harbor...They called them, "The Greatest Generation" for a reason....When  the Time came and they heard the Battle Call, they answered...They knew what was at stake, they knew there would be a Price to pay...Did they turn & run like the COWARDS of todays America....Did they play the ""Poor, Poor Pitiful Me Song?" Did they Blame all the worlds problems on someone else? No they did not! Were they fearful, did they wonder about what their Tomorrows would be? Yes they Did...But the did what they had to do....They didn't wait  for someone else to do the Dirty Work  , the Heavy Lifting & they Knew many of their Brothers,Sisters ,Fathers & Mothers might well perish if they did NOTHING.... They knew they might die in the Field of Battle, they went anyway..They didn't look back...

I don't know about you but I'm sick & tired of this Liberal Communist Revisionist History that SKEWS all the meaning, Knowledge & Truth about who we are, why we are & why it is worth Dying for & Saving....Oh but PARDON me that's just not the way it is anymore is it? I doubt that there is more than a HANDFULL of our Faux Pretentious Blowhards in Washington DC that are Worthy of Respect as compared to the Leaders We had Long Ago....This Country hasn't had an Honorable President since Reagan....And if you look at what they REALLY Accomplished the CLINTONS were simple Crooks, The Two BUSH'S were just bad enough to give us OBAMA & OBAMA is giving us Hillary.....Sorry I'm not in the Mood for more CANCER....

In recent days we've been more exposed to what the CLINTON'S are all about....I won't mense words, MONEY & POWER is the Key here....For 30 plus years we've seen one instance of Scandal after another....Bribes, Extortion, taking Money from Foreign Governments, a Foundation that's simply the Largest Money Laundering Operation in America, we hear about Sexual Peversion's with Both Clintons....Drug & Alcohol Addiction....How she in particular is an ANTI-SEMITIC Bitch....She hates Equally anyone beneath her, that list is almost All-Encompassing,,,it includes Jews, Whites, Christians, Blacks, Spanish & Orientals....That class of people can only be her SLAVES....the only thing she Loves is Money & the Power it gives her..

The man responsible for most of the EMAIL Leaks Julian Assange said today that the POLITICAL Establishment (Both Parties) & the Power behind the curtains AKA the Rothschlds, George Soros & all of the rest of the Bilderberg Society said that; All of those Corrupt Entities Would Not EVER Allow TRUMP to become President elect.... They are saying in effect the STATUS QUO rules the day.....Corruption is in AMERICAN Principles be damn are out.....That that is fairly much been reflected n the MEDIA ( What Media ) Coverage.....

They are basically saying we either Accept American Decline or Die.....Me must accept Corruption as a FACT OF LIFE or Die....We must accept our Roles as Servant & do what we are told or Die....And you know what, other than a FEW most of what is left of AMERICA will relent, that is if they haven't already...

'We need to understand this as a fact, this is NOT the America I grew up in....Much less the one others Fought in Wars For.....The Economic Recovery of OBAMA's did exactly what this Communist Government WANTED & NEEDED....It put MILLIONS more People on government Welfare , Food Stamps & Housing...The Same can be said for OBAMA CARE....It forced people into a Government Controlled System.....The Reason OBAMA & HILLARY want more Illegals here as well as SYRAN Refugees is the same....THE GOAL is to make EVERYONE Dependent on the Government....Let me ask you this; when an ADDICT needs a FIX , where does he go...to the DEALER....People there is no DIFFERENCE whatsoever between a DRUG DEALER & a COMMUNIST NANNY STATE....

But I have to be candid here & at the risk of angering many people I am going to say what's on my mind.... I have NEVER been so ashamed of AMERICA & WHAT we've become as I am now....Maybe you don't like TRUMP, but allowing HILLARY CLINTON to Sign our Death Warrant without so much as a PAUSE is beyond my comprehension.....You've allow the MEDIA to Brainwash to the POINT you wouldn't recognize the TRUTH if it BIT you in the ass.....Why aren't we PROTESTING, BOYCOTTING & becoming Pro-Active rather than Passive ? The answer my Friends is not Blowing In The Wind, we've become COWARDS who don't believe in anything real...

So go on your Merry way, have a Beer, a Scotch, take a Pill or TWO or THREE or FOUR....And if your miserable enough maybe you'll overdose....Your COWARDESS help destroy AMERICA...I hope your HAPPY

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