by Robby Bowling
Why is it that so many things or issues in life are so subjective....Once upon a time "We Lived & then We Learned" ...We make mistakes , we fail, we stumble, we pick ourselves up we move on & if you still have your WITS about you Learned a lesson....Having said that; Do we learn from MISTAKES that we Falsely BLAME on Others? For that MATTER do we learn from OTHER Peoples Mistakes ? In Present day AMERICA It sure as hell doesn't look like it, at least from my vantage pint...
I was always taught the "Art Of Survival" was on on-going Trial, Lesson or Test....This is one you have to "Learn on the Fly" & you have to be able to "Think Outside The Box!" And that's what make ADDICTIONS so bad...Addictions get between you & your Goals....Have we FORGOTTEN that Survival was on the "Top Of The List?" You can't become a Master Chief, Taylor, Luthier, Painter ,Writer much less a Parent or a Teacher unless you Survive.... Survival in and of itself requires some SKILLS & many INSTINCTS....    Sadly many in this Culture (Ha, Ha, Ha) don't have a clue about what I'm talking about....
Most of us were born with the ability to SEE, to HEAR, to FEEL & SMELL.....Having said that Seeing should not be confused with VISION, the Ability to look Forward or to anticipate....While many of us can HEAR, do we know how to Filter Out & Disseminate? Can you Read between the Lines? Do you even know what it is I'm Inferring ? And while we've all burned ourselves with a Match, Scorched our Tongue with Hot Coffee, do you How you you Feel when a Touch turns into a Kiss, a Slap ? And as far a SMELL goes it far more than Perfumes or Odors Good & Bad....As members of the "Animal Kingdom" we do have these things we call "PHEROMONES" that are somewhat  "Involuntary"....

Wasn't it Charles Darwin that said that "Survival Of The Fittest" was the BASIS for Organic Evolution... If you can accept that as a Premise , a Trend, then "What Is This We've Evolved into?" Being you "Own Man," or " or Going Your Own Way" or quite frankly having the ABILITY to Do it all yourself is SCORNED....In fact it's almost Against the Law....AMERICA once stood for INDEPENDENCE & FREEDOM ....INDEPENDENCE is the 100% opposite of what we have now....We have a Society being nudged, tempted, bribed & extorted (via fear) into DEPENDENCE , into Addictions & into a Room or Bottomless Pit for which we will NEVER Return...Yea its "Hotel California" from HELL....
 I will one again use an old "BOB DYLAN" line here; "You see something happening here but you just don't know what it is" Why don't we Question what's going on all around us? Don't you want to know what the "End Game" is; I Do? And if you don't, why? We've been told & encouraged to give in to the Forthcoming Government UTOPIA....PARDONEZ MOI if this is a Perfect World we are trying to EVOLVE (Ha, ha, ha) into, why do we hear HATE & FEAR from the Leaders (of what) in this Government....Am I missing something here ? If this is the BEST Life has to Offer, why you they SELL it via Fear & Hate....If HILLARY CLINTON was even a Small Facsimile of what The MEDIA was trying to sell her as , she'd be the next PRESIDENT.....If OBAMA was the Visionary (of what) & the Messiah that the MEDIA passed him (it) off as being, this would be "Heaven On Earth" Don't look now but this is anything but that....

Since the Failed Election for the "Socialist State Of Hillary" fiasco there has been STAGED Semi-Violent Protests Popup in the Big cities....Just what is it they saying & what are they trying to prove, other than their Certification For Ignorance .....That is in fact one test they Passed , resoundingly ....Was the last 8 Years that Great? 20 Trillion in DEBT.....No real Tangible Employment opportunities, degree or not......A generation now that Needs "SAFE ROOMS" to protect them from the Mythical Boogie Man.... Healthcare no one can afford except those who don't need it....Oh & lets not forget KIDS that have no IDEA what SEX they are or even want to be...
Does anyone remember the Academy award winning role MARLON BRANDO had in "On The Waterfront"....."I COULDA HAD CLASS.  COULDA BEEN A CONTENDER. I COULDA BEEN SOMEBODY, INSTEAD OF A BUM, WHICH IS WHAT I AM NOW" .....That seems to me what's happening today, we are adrift at see, no wind, the sails are tattered & no paddles....No direction because of an EPIC FAILURE of Leadership, including Parents, Teachers, Preachers & Narcissism....Oh but there is a PLETHORA of fools & Parasites following FALSE MESSIAHS.....


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