by Robby Bowling

I still believe there are at least a few of us left that has heard the old line;"A house divided will fall" well at I look  at today's AMERICA & World that could not be more TRUE than it is now...Yea I know this Scene, Chapter, Verse & Line has already been played before, notability The ROME & GREEK EMPIRES....Communism has been knocking on Americas door for at least a 100 years...After WORLD WAR II there has been a steady but slow creeping of it into this country....Let me sight one instance I bet many of you either didn't know or you've forgotten...Did you know the IDEA of or for what we call "Social Security " was a "Socialist idea"....Several Men started the movement that later became law ....I believe Huey Long a Governor from Louisiana was one of several....His views were as Socialist as they come even by today's standards....
These so-called "Share The Wealth" programs through out history have a VERY SHORT LIFE EXPECTANCY....In the END the only thing SHARED was the "CON" ...Greed & Corruption won & will continue to win every time...The Bigger the Program the the Bigger the corruption grows....So very often the VICTIM of a COM are so-embarrassed about being "Taken For A Fool" they say NOTHING & Suffer...Meanwhile the Thief continues his Quest to Liberate you From your Hard-Earned & Saved Money...Justice was not served was it? It was either Churchill or Thatcher ,that said ;"The Trouble with Socialism Is You Eventually Run out Of Other People Money" That is close to where we sit, today....

I dare say but most People in this country in my opinion don't know the Difference between Marxism, Fascism, Communism or Socialism...Lets just say for the "sake of argument" "Socialism "is just called "Communism-Lite" And just to keep it very SIMPLE, "Fascism" Is a Government that is being CONTROLLED by BIG MONEY....Businesses, Corporations, Billionaires SOROS, ROTHSCHILDS etc.... We have Element of BOTH.....We are being CONTROLLED by  GOVERNMENT as well as Big Money & they try to BUY everyone's Silence through Government Social Programs....Social Security, Food Stamps, Welfare, Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid, Government Housing , Roads & so get the drift I'm sure....

One of the GREATEST CONS ,CRIMES or LIES of all time started with this governments,"WAR ON POVERTY" This was the game or con...LBJ one of the sorriest Bastards to ever be elected as POTUS , knew that if you made PROMISES to the POOREST People in America & made it LOOK like you kept your Promises, they'd keep you in POWER Forever....That was the Beginning of the 'Democratic Communist (Liberal, Progressive) Party we know today.....The Big time UNIONS got in on the CON too...Working conditions, kickbacks, bribes....Does anyone remember Jimmy Hoffa? Does anyone remember anything, anymore?

Now here we are 50-60 years later, what's changed in those years....Vietnam is long gone, we've had years of Prosperity, at least for some.....For those will to Work, to Learn & to Sacrifice for their Families in general things got better....You could buy a Home, a Car, Put your Kids through College, save some money & retire & live the Good life....And for some it was that was......For many DEBT crept into their lives ,it was "The trying to keep up with the Jones thing"....The Price we paid fro the Debt or Prosperity was the FAMILY....It for the most part Died....That's when Middle (the Working Class) Class Family started dying....

For the Poorest of the Poor it was Worse....The Poverty had already KILLED off the Family..So we were left with SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLDS (mostly the Women) Raising the Children...Then we created WELFARE BABIES, woman being paid to have Babies....We also had a RACIST White woman Margaret Sanger create "Planned Parenthood" ...she wanted to KILL every African American Baby....

We all know we can ALL rise up above our Circumstances & better ourselves....But if you are a Single Lady , living in the Projects, with No Job, No Husband, No Income, 100% dependent on our Government, where do you turn...Its a "Catch 22"....When you are POOR, (Race has nothing to do with it) you will do what you have to do to survive.....Include a life of Crime....Robbing Stores, Selling Drugs, Gambling...You get the Drift...they have to eat....These same PEOPLE for DECADES have been Told that a "Better Day Was Coming"...There would be Better Education , better Opportunity's there would be Hope, their Dreams & Prayers Could be Answer after all this time.....These People Were LIED TO.....The Promises were hollow.....They were never meant to be true.....This Government PLAYED them....This Government play all of us....

In the Decades that have followed their & our decline , enter in the RACE HUSTLERS, like Sharpton, Jackson & OBAMA....These PARASITES have made MILLION$ by Promoting RACISM.....And now to throw Gasoline on the Flames lets add MUSLIMS, who've gone into the Black Impoverished neighborhoods to RECRUIT.....OK now lets throw one more LOG on the Fire....Lets bring in George Soros.....He like the rest of his ROTHSCHILD Family want to RULE the WORLD.....For those who don't know SOROS is behind the EUROPE OPEN BORDERS Movement , that put Millions of Muslims in Places they Don't Belong....Soros is doing the same thing here.....He has STATED for there to be a "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" America would have to fall....

Soros put OBAMA in office, he is doing the same with HILLARY.....He has paid MILLION$ for GROUPS like "Black Lives Matters' to stage Riots & Protests...He has Pledged 500 Million for the MUSLIMS coming here from SYRIA......Did you catch the Hook Line of OBAMA;S Speech at the United (Muslim) Nations? He Said Americans will have to Give up their FREEDOM to a WORLD GOVERNMENT....

EVERYDAY we wake up to a New Crisis, more Anarchy , more Chaos & More Deaths...Why?

SOROS Knew he could Play the Hate-Divide Game by PITTING the BLACKS against WHITE AMERICA.....He is winning.....However let me say this the BLACKS are getting Played again....The Police in Dallas, Charlotte, New Orleans, Ferguson or New York City aren't the ONES WHO DID YOU WRONG......Your real ENEMY is the Same as MINE, it is the one's who Failed you & Lied to you again & again & again....its WASHINGTON DC....Don't Burn buildings in Charlotte, take it to WASHINGTON DC & you know you just might find there are MILLIONS Of WHITES, SPANISH & ASIAN People standing Right Beside you....

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