For years I've watched the So-called & perhaps Mythical American Intellect decline, its now a tailspin , out of control & will soon crash.....You know it is almost impossible to have a POSITIVE outlook on this World with all the Pissing , Moaning, Bitching, Crying, Back-Stabbing, Lying and HATE in the AIR & on the AIR 24 damn hours a day,7 days a week....A little bit of Cynicism, Sarcasm & Questioning is Healthy...But we never see the Answers, we are never offered Solutions & all we seemingly get for our DOLLAR$ is Chaos ,Anarchy & HATE.....If I was a betting man I'd have to come to the Conclusion that the Apparent Desired Effect for our Labors is HATE....It would seem to me if we could EXPORT HATE the country wouldn't be Financially Bankrupt.....

Both Political Parties have an Expertise & a Degree in HATE...they have it MASTERED ...And by & large they created a Contingent of Hate that's spread COAST to COAST ....There is no antidote or cure...You'll take it to the GRAVE....Meanwhile , the Elitists that Hide in the Shadows reap all the Benefits & Spoils of a Not-So-Civil WAR that the Idiotic Sheep Lost without a shot being fired....You know, if you're too ignorant to know you have LEPROSY even though your leg rotted off, what can I add..or say? ....

Why can't we com to GRIPS with the FACT , that ALL of those who Write & Make The Rules are the one who really one else does....Food Stamps, Not-So-Free Healthcare & Housing are not Benefits or Entitlements, nothing has been further from the truth....They are simply nothing more than Bribes or Extortion....We are living in a Illusionary World....Once upon a Time that Illusion was one of Plenty, of Harmony, the Promise of Peace ,Love & Understanding & Fulfillment....What is it now? Al I see is RUINS.or the AFTERMATH of a WAR...The Question is do we Rebuild the Promise or do we Tear it all down? Will we become Scavengers like Rats & live like Parasites, or will become the New Pioneers or Missionaries ?

The MESSENGERS OF HATE are ruling this now Kingdom Of Hell......It's one thing to Play The GAME to Win, but to WIN , regardless of the PRICE you PAID....that's quite different, that's quite Pathetic & Telling at the same Time.....When your Narcissism turns to Cancer & you Sell your Soul because your GREED & HATE Rule your life....What have you Become?....Does ;JUDAS & 30 PIECES OF SILVER ring a bell ?...                                                                                                    

Again I am bewildered at those who Seek & Follow their FALSE GODS....While we all need Inspiration & Direction from time to time.....Real Leaders CREATE more Leaders....not Followers ....You ether suck it up & become a man or Throw in the Towel....A follower is a SLAVE .....Because sooner or later you'll be led into a TRAP....But I guess its easier to blame someone else...Hell, that's the LIBERAL WAY isn't it ? that now the AMERICAN WAY? Seems so to me....

Sooner or later the Malcontents will be treated like the Pesky Annoying Flies, Wasps, Skunks & Weasels, someone will say I've had it and END the Varmints life....Sooner rather than LATER all of this Crying, Bitching, Moaning & Chaos will be BROUGHT to a HALT....And you just maybe will realize you are not in control & you never was or were FREE....This Government Owns you....So go ahead & play your Childish Petty games , after HILLERY they'll be nothing left but a Third World Muslim Shit Hole.....

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