A View Point: Brexit Was Sparked by Rape and Crime
In addition to other reasons given, e.g. excessive regulations, loss of sovereignty, etc., the title of the essay below reflects the real reason behind the backlash regarding the unrestrained influx of migrants. Although the British tabloids have been much more outspoken than the rest of "official" UK, the enforced policy since 2009 was to "go easy on the Muslims".
Courageous Brits who continually fought back were black balled as intolerant, extremist, racists, fascist and often jailed. Tommy Robinson, leader of the EDL, has been jailed several times and most recently for launching the UK branch of PEGIDA.
No matter how much the EU "authorities" attempt to stifle dissent and censor the media-- broadcast, print, and social-- the cauldron of anger is going from simmering to boil on the very subject of this essay.
The elitist need to understand that the people will take so much. The French Monarch, Louis XVI who symbolized the despised Ancien Regime could not stop the French Revolution. He and his Queen, as well as much of the aristocracy, paid the price.
While the EU elitist/globalist probably will not meet the same fate as Louis XVI etal. their power may well be clipped, at least temporarily. Rest assured they will attempt a comeback.
That’s what the PC media would rather ignore.
Ben Stein’s Diary:
“The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.” So supposedly said the Iron Duke of Wellington, referring, of course to the crushing defeat of Napoleon by the Allies on an 1815 Belgian battlefield and the rousing competitive spirit of the British ruling class, officers in the Royal Army. That spirit was said to have been instilled in them by the games playing at one of the premier English “public” schools, by which we would mean boarding schools.
May I add, “The Battle of Brexit, Britain, and Brussels was lost by Europe on the playing fields and in the alleys and immigrant housing of the British town of Rotherham.” There, over a period of twenty years, over 1,000 British girls were assaulted, raped, held captive, gang raped by Muslim immigrants to the UK, especially from Middle Eastern countries and Pakistan. It was a stupendous scandal, apparently duplicated all over Britain on a greater or lesser scale.
It has also been duplicated and then some in Sweden. In the wake of a decision about ten years ago that allowed about 1.5 million Middle Easterners and Somalis into Sweden, Stockholm’s rape rate has gone up by a factor of about fifteen. Most of it has come from these immigrants and their sons.
Not all, but a lot of white and Asian Europeans are sick of it. They don’t want any more immigrants. They’re done with Political Correctness. They’re sick of taking in refugees and seeing their good deeds go paid with rape.
That, according to the Internet, is what happened on Thursday in the Brexit vote. Britain does not yet allow unlimited Muslim movement into the Sceptered Isle as Germany did for a time with the former Reich. Good. The voters of the UK saw what a much smaller number of immigrants could do in the way of terrorizing their females and their towns. They don’t want to be part of an EU that willfully brings such people into the UK.
That, as I read it, is in large measure responsible for the exit from the EU that was voted in and on two days ago. It wasn’t about tariffs or orders from Brussels about rotation of crops. It was about violence and specifically rape.
That’s what I read and that’s what makes sense. It wasn’t economics. It was crime that was the motivator.
But once the Brexit was done, there would be an economic component, and that is what the Politically Correct media would talk about. And what a load of nonsense they did talk. People said there would be a crash. There would be a worldwide recession. It would be a disaster for Europe and for Britain and for the USA. In perfect time, the speculators and traders beat out a serious downturn in the markets of the world.
But why? The tariffs that were in place on Thursday morning are still in place. There will be no serious movement in terms of trade for months if not years. Even if there is a breakup of the whole EU, which could happen, each country in it would still need to import coal or hides or rubber or software or whatever they import today. There would be no stoppage of trade.
Europe has been committed to ultra-low tariffs for decades. They’re committed to free trade. If there have to be 27 stamps on a bill of lading instead of one, that’s easily done with modern equipment. If travelers need passports to go from Austria to Italy — well, isn’t that what Europe wants now?
So… what would change? Perhaps, in the tumult, there would be some slippage of exports from the USA to Britain. That’s possible. But the magnitudes are tiny. The USA exports about $55 billion worth of goods to the UK per year as of 2015. That’s barely more than three-tenths of one percent of U.S. GDP. If that fell by a few billion, it would be trivial compared with the USA’s $18 trillion output. There is no foreseeable outcome about U.S. trade with Britain or any other European country that would have a major impact on the USA economy.
Or, you could put it another way: on Friday after the Brexit was approved, the USA stock markets lost about (very roughly) $1.5 trillion of value — and this was over a purely hypothetical disruption of trade of a few billions. It makes no sense at all.
Traders like to scare people. That’s how they make their money. It doesn’t mean that what they say is real or true.
What’s the future? Who knows? But people will need to have food, houses, cars, gasoline, computers, and airplanes. The world will still need what the USA produces. There will be a lot of shrieking in Europe for some time. But as Ferris Bueller so aptly said, “I’m not European. I don’t plan on being European…”
We’re doing fine economically. But a nation that does not enforce its laws is not a nation, as Mr. Trump aptly said.
Source: The American Spectator
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