Once again I am going to get on my CYNICAL Perch & say this...The ELECTIONS in this country are "RIGGED" do I have to say it again .... "RIGGED".....HILLARY will be our next George Soros Puppet ....They don't Count VOTES....They rig them to say what they want....This DAMN Government with the Help of it's 'Partner In Crime" the MEDIA have SPENT BILLIONS to Cover up Liberal Crimes, Bribes, Extortion, Theft & Corruption....They ONLY make it SEEM close because it's the SCRIPT they use....Todays world is STAGED, FAKE, FAUX & it Run by EVIL Bastards like Soros/Rothschild New World Order boys...They EMPLOY the 537 Empty Suited Puppets in Washington DC....And I don't care to hear  ridiculous preposterous line there are a FEW of them we can TRUST....that's all Horse Excrement.....
The MEDIA has successfully made SURE that TRUMP or CRUZ will Not be elected....because the Republicans are too STUPID to see the Lies, the Manipulation, the Baiting & the Propaganda that's Created the Anger & Hate that's Divided Friends & Families...They RIG election by CONVINCING you to stay home & not Participate in the UGLY Process....
Think about a FUTURE with the NAZI Bitch at the helm....More MUSLIMS, Less Christians, Less Freedoms (there isn't any anyway)..no jobs, no hopes or dreams....Didn't we already go through the Serfs & Serfdom thing? By & large Wasn't this REALLY what WORLD WAR II was all about? Haven't we been down this BLIND ALLEY before? It is not going to be a "HAPPY HOLLYWOOD ENDING"....This is a very Ugly Death of Our Country that we're witnessing (well some of us).....Wasn't it Marie Antoinette that said "LET THEM EAT CAKE" as it referred to the Pathetically Ignorant Stupid MASSES .....Do you see the Difference between her & Hillary....I DO....HILLARY is worse....
The LYING BITCH will in fact be our First Fraudulent WOMAN (?) Dictactor....all of the FIGHTING I see everyday Guarantees it....You still think AMERICA'S best days are still ahead? If you do your out of you MIND...via drugs, booze or brainwashing....Lets be honest here, How do you REALLY know your so-called VOTE is Counted.....Be honest you take it for GRANTED.....We took our FREEDOMS for GRANTED....they no no longer exist....They are just Empty Words Politicians use to SELL their SNAKE OIL.....

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