What will it take for this country & it's inhabitants faced the reality that we FAIL to measure up with our predecessors...our history....our legacy....We have lost it all.....Through arrogance, apathy, negligence, brain-washing & behavior modification we just let to all go.....WHY? Was life just to easy ? Did we listen & not learn ? Did we see but were blinded ? Crap at this point I wonder" did or do we even care?"

Have we forgotten what KNOWLEDGE actually is......It is not some Liberal Theory Espoused by the bloviating blowhard blow-job BARRY? It's what have we've really done, its the is something tangible, it is fundamental & sometimes it's SURVIVAL....

If you have children, grand children & your family or family of friends that you care about....what have we left them....I was born after WWII & when I was young I heard via Uncles & family friends what the IDEA of WAR was...then came the Korean War, The Berlin Wall, Vietnam...& the fear of Mutually Assured Nuclear Destruction....We had Drills at schools where we practiced SIMPLE Survival Techniques....And yes I had to register for the Draft & I had friends & family come home in Coffins....but compared to the THREAT we have today...well we had it made.....And you now sadly the biggest threat is our own GOVERNMENT....MUSLIMS, IRAN, NORTH KOREA, RUSSIA & CHINA come in later.....

Think about it, what is this ? A legacy of Stupidity ? We are seemingly so obsessed with this "DELUSION" we are Existing in we forgot we were surrounded by SHARK Infested Waters with Quick-Sand all around....Really now Television is not about never was...that's just a Optical Myth....its about MARKETING....It has evolved into a 24/7 infomercial....they are SELLING....selling us Fear, selling us Propaganda, selling us Behavior Trends (modification) all disguised as Truth , Information or Entertainment....well no such critter ever existed....

This World is is playing the game of,"FOLLOW THE LITTLE BOUNCING BALL ( of programmed B.S.) There never was a War on Women, a War On Poverty or a War on Anything domestic....oh yes now ,do we have problems with Race & Sex or whatever....who created the problems, who is it that professes to have FIXES for those issues....the answer; well it's the Fat Cat ELITES that RULE over us.....They are NOT here to save our ASSES, they're here to reap the "Spoils Of War" ...All of our Hopes, Dreams & Prayers have been Taken as PLUNDER....We lost a WAR without a Single Shot Being Fired....

This country is now Full of Narcissistic MANCHURIAN Men waiting for the subliminal "cue" from the "Government Man" to create the False Flag moments to Divert our Attention from what the Government is really up too....We have been Over-Thrown & Sold out to the Highest Bidder....As Soldiers we have failed on every level....isn't this what they call DERELICTION OF DUTY....punishable now by our own death...."Apparently" or is it WHITE GUILT SUICIDE?
The people who rule over us are simply from the "Dark Side"...DISCIPLES OF SATAN, if you will...and all we are doing is following the crumbs left on the road.....the road to slavery, slaughter & Hell....

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