As I set here drinking my morning coffee I'm still trying to understand what it is or why this brain-dead society is EVOLVING into ....'SOCIALISM.....Then as I think I remember the Stories about ELVIS & his agent Colonel.Parker....Here we had a young talented singer who was Naive about how the World works & the Liars Cheats ,Cons, Crooks & EVIL that lurks out there...To cut to the Chase here Elvis got pennies & The Agent ( Col. Parker) got the spoils.....

And then I remember all the stories about Gifted Athletes coming out of College going into Professional Sports...Again the "Rags To Riches Myth" rides again....The Lawyers , the Agents got the money & the Players well, "they got the shaft!"...I think it was the country singer/actor Jerry Reed who wrote a song about Divorce that runs a parallel,"She Got The Gold Mine & I Got The Shaft"...Another Musician (Warren Zevon) wrote one called ,"Lawyers ,Guns & Money!"...And yes there is the old PT BARNUM line, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute"....and the modern day one, "A Fool & His Money Are Soon Parted"................

Then I take a look at our High & Mighty, Self-Righteous Leaders who have SOLD us for DECADES, their Brilliance & Expertise at Protecting our Wealth, Health & Dreams....Again they SELL us (con) on they fact we are Too Stupid to change our own Diapers, handle our money, prepare us for the future & Protect us SIMULTANEOUSLY.....WOW, imagine that multitaskers "extraordinaire.....Heavens does it get better than this....This is the Deal Of The Life Time , I mean to say it's like we are in the Presence Of The Lord (Messiah) ....UTOPIA .....

There is another cliche that goes, "If It Sounds Too Good To Be True, It Probably Isn't".....So then I look at this Government , especially the Left Wing Communist Democrats (both wings tho )& for the most part I see 537 Colonel Parker's....The Truth is as it always was, The rich get richer while the poor get poorer....SOCIALISM is a Shell Game, it's a Con, It's a Rip Off & it's actually Criminal ....but the Criminals run this DOG & PONY SHOW....

Yet the troubling thing is SO FEW SEE IT....The youth & this Culture are being trained to be SLAVES to the Machine....we have NON-EDUCATION & BRAIN WASHING to think for this....along with our complacency or apathy .....Again I will ask what's the difference between the FAMILY PET, your Puppy doing Tricks for Treats & you Working your ass off for this FAUX UTOPIA this Government touts as VISIONARY.....NOTHING....except you & you Puppy actually care about each other....This Government HATES us...SOCIALISM AND THE TITANIC are essentially doing the same thing, SINKING us...

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