by Robby Bowling : As many of you know I am a farm raised, small town Texas boy....Family oriented Christian Family....Perfect we were not , but we were taught VALUES, Right, Wrong, Good,Evil, Respect & Honor ...We were church goers, we were believers , we believed in charity, we believe in justice & we believe in Hard Work....That is to say ,"you reap what you sow".... My mother was a deeply Religious woman, therefore we were in the Church every time the Doors were open & the Chapel Bell rang. ...We had many a preacher come & go through those years.....Some were the Teacher types, some were a little dull & monotone, some were filled with enthusiasm & vigor and some taught "Fire & Brimstone"...They all taught Salvation, they taught through the spirit of God's Love & they were nurturing ....They didn't ask for Diamond Rings & Cadillac's they asked for respect & understanding....HATE was never tau...