by Robby Bowling

Teachers teach, preachers preach & liars lie.....I think that most of us can agree on at least ONE thing....Politicians are Liars....Then why, "do tell" do we buy the lie? I'm an old musician we had our own term called, "PLAYING TO THE CROWD"....Isn't that what this BAD, "song & dance Routine" actually is....They are not only Telling us what we want to hear , we are Selectively believing only what we want too...And there in lies the "Death Spiral" America is in....We followed, the Wrong, "PIED PIPER"because we wanted to believe a convenient LIE rather than face the dismal TRUTH we are dying...Rather pathetic it is too....

I don't know about the rest of you but until the body is overwhelmed with pain I will fight for one more breath, one more chance & one more dance...I'm just puzzled why so many others don't or won't....There are many who have Families , Children & Friends they you not want the Highest High, the preverbal BETTER WORLD for them....And don't confuse that with the Afterlife...that's a different thing altogether.....

What happened to the kid who built the Tree House, watched the Family Dog have Puppies, saw your sister & brother get Married and find their way through life by "WORKING THEIR TAILS OFF?" They bought a house, a car, had kids, went to the Ball Park, told jokes & laughed at their own mistakes ....Why is is so many don't BELIEVE ANYMORE....And I'm not talking about God necessary ...they don't have the FAITH that we did as kids...that while this world will never be perfect...we can make a BETTER WORLD....BUT?????

Have you ever considered this fundamental thought....SCHOOLS at one time had the Purpose or Intent as a GOAL to give you enough Knowledge about life, problem solving, the history of who, why & where we are to go into LIFE & make our way....THAT IS NO LONGER THE the GOAL is BEHAVIOR TRAINING (Modification )....the sub-goal is OBEDIENCE, or Subservient to the RICH, the POWERFUL, the ELITES, The FAUX MESSIAH or LEADERS.....

The very UGLY Reality is we've been going BACKWARDS for DECADES....And al this FORWARD Crapola is just a hook line in a Song...".FORWARD" is a just a "March To Our Death" yet all we want to see is Rose Blossoms & Petals scattered along the HIGHWAY TO HELL....however if you were PAYING Attention you'd see, hear & smell the Death, Destruction & the DARKNESS that Surrounds us all.....Pathetic useless FOOLS we have become.....Now we are just being used as TOOS for our own demise or is it really the Evening call to SUICIDE? You tell me...

IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE THIS AWAY.....but it is what it is....sadly....I hope you find the TRUTH before it's too late & BTW you best make Peace with your maker...That is ,"If Your A Believer?"

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