by Robby Bowling:

Where else in the so called WORLD does Citizenship seem so meaningless.. This Communist Dictatorship complete with its QUEEN is handing it out like its candy for kids....

What No One in the FAUX MEDIA will tell you bringing in Refugees from SYRIA & Illegals from Mexico will do is RIG the Political System Permanently for the COMMUNIST REGIME in Power....

It will also be the Last Chapter for CHRISTIANITY in AMERICA....

Let Face the UGLY REALITY....So long as the COMMUNISTS NEED the PARASITES to keep their High & Mighty Thrones they will allow anything to happen....Chaos or Anarchy , they will allow murders, rapes, child molestation while giving them the FREE but earned benefits of this society... like Food Stamps, Housing, Insurance much less the right to live a lifestyle as they see fit... By that I mean no ASSIMILATION whatsoever....The Working Class pay the Bill & all they have to do is VOTE as many times as the can for the Communist Party....

I am as many of you know, what they Call a "Baby Boomer" so I have seen my share of the past....and the day ahead of me ...well my time and Trials are well, limited...But from the perspective of a Storyteller...this Chapter & Verse are soon to come to an end , if we don't take control of our own DESTINY....

Cancer doesn't not CURE itself.....Yet everyday we allow those DRUNK with their SELF-RIGHTEOUS POWER to infect the Waters, the Streams, The Dreams of our own private world....By that I mean the Little World Between you, me & the other....WE have allowed this carcinogen to essentially make our own little private world a, "HELL HOLE"

Ask yourself this when was the LAST TIME you REALLY felt GOOD about the WORLD....you know the Peace, Goodwill to all mankind thing....I'll bet its been a long time....How many of you have had Life altering experiences...That is, the REAL thought you were dying....A real illness...You will NEVER Look at this World again in the same light...

Why do we believe this Government has the Good INTENTIONS of it's PEOPLE....We sadly are in DENIAL about the FACT we are a DYING, FLOUNDERING Culture.... Apathy & Stupidity apparently rule the day...

Tomorrow is Sunday & we approach the THANKSGIVING SEASON...I can STATE quite proudly I am of a dying breed ....a CHRISTIAN & I thank God everyday for my Blessings....I have a VERY GOOD FAMILY. I have Friends that love me like a Brother....Materially I am a Poor Man, but the TREASURES in my life are the little things,,,By that I mean what really makes life worth living are the REAL CARING PEOPLE (Flaws & All) that I can call my friends & my loves.....

Yesterdays AMERICA ,I loved & Treasured.....Today's America I totally DESPISE ....

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