Oregon Rancher Fears for His Life after Feds Threaten Him Through His Attorney :

Time to circle the wagons and come to the aid of a fellow American patriot...


Earlier this week, I reported on the Hammond family, ranchers from Oregon who are being set up for what can only be deemed as Double Jeopardy as part of a tyrannical move by the federal government for something that occurred over a decade ago, which they normally do as ranchers. Now, the patriarch of the family, Dwight Hammond is in fear for his life and the lives of his family.

In an email sent out by Ammon Bundy from the Bundy Ranch, he said that he received a phone call on Friday, November 21 from Mr. Hammond, who communicated, “very afraid for his life and for mine as well”

Federal agents had contacted his attorney and according to the Bundy email, “They told Dwight’s attorney that if Dwight and Susie did not end all communication with Ammon Bundy, that they ‘would detain the Hammond’s early for federal prison and that they would transfer pain to the Hammond family.'”

Hammond also believes “they would bring misery to the whole family.”
Steven Hammond’s attorney also confirmed the fact that federal agents had contacted him and hinted that there might be a raid on the Hammond’s home if they did not break off communication with Ammon Bundy. Why? Is there some sort of threat that the American people are unaware of? Are they planning to burn more ranch land that is beneficial to the land just like the feds do? If there is something so dangerous about this family and their communication with the Bundy’s, why are the feds not making their move now?

These are nothing but Gestapo-style tactics to shut the Hammonds and the Bundys up.

“On Thursday November 19th, Harney County Sheriff, David Ward, informed me that federal agents indicated to him that if the Hammond’s continued to speaking out, that they may raid the Hammond’s home and detain them early for federal prison,” Ammon Bundy wrote. “I informed the Sheriff that it was his duty to make sure that did not happen. I do not have to explain how this is a violation of individual rights.”

Dwight, Steven and Susie Hammond have been thankful for Bundy getting the word out to Americans of how their family has been railroaded by the federal government. On top of that Mrs. Hammond expressed a real fear that if they continued communication with Bundy that they might get a bullet in their heads… and maybe even in Bundy’s.

None of this is far-fetched.

America watched the siege of the Bundy Ranch, the slaughter of cattle, the intimidation of hundreds of armed federal agents, the tasing of protesters who were corralled into an unconstitutional “First Amendment Area,” and even the use of snipers, as well as the implementation of a no-fly zone over the ranch. None of this was done by the Bundys. It was all the federal government.

However, as alternative media brought the story more to light, the mainstream media was forced to cover it, even to the point where we saw elected officials referring to American citizens as domestic terror..., when it was federal agents armed to the teeth and surrounding those citizens who were the oppressors!

Following the victory at the Bundy Ranch, Ammon Bundy exhorted Americans, “Men must decide if their Rights and Freedoms are God-granted or are assigned by a Federal Government.”

American militia men responded to the Bundy Ranch siege, and they are currently on standby to do the same for the Hammonds.

For the reasons why the Hammonds are being treated the way they are, please visit the Bundy’s website for a breakdown of facts and events by clicking here.

Check out the video interview from this week below for more information:

Be sure to contact the following individuals and respectfully encourage them to do the right thing and stand up for the Hammonds and against the tyranny of the federal government.

Sheriff David M. Ward
485 N Court Ave #6
Burns, Oregon 97720

Frank Papagni, ESQ. US Attorney (Prosecutor)
405 East Eighth Ave
Eugene, OR 97401

Lawrence Matasar, ESQ. (Defending attorney)
521 SW Morrison St, Ste 1025
Portland, OR 97205

Marc Blackman, ESQ. (Defending attorney)
1001 SW Fifth Ave, Ste 1400
Portland, OR 97204

Rhonda Karges, Resource Field Mgr, BLM
BLM, Burns District Office
28910 Hwy 20
Hines, OR 97738

Chad Karges, Refuge Mgr for the Malheur Wildlife Refuge (Husband of Rhonda)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept of Interior
36391 Sodhouse Ln
Princeton, OR 97721

Governor Kate Brown
State Capital Bldg
900 Court St NE, 160
Salem, OR 97301

Billy J. Williams, U.S. District Attorney (Eugene office)
405 E 8th Ave. Suite 2400
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Neil Evans
Portland, OR
Gerri Badden

U.S Attorney’s Office – District of Oregon

Judge Ann Aiken, Chief Judge of the District of Oregon
Chuck Cushman

Public Advocate, American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400
Battle Ground, WA 98604

Former Judge Michael Hogan
PO Box 1375
Eugene, OR 97440

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