I have finely come to terms that I am not only out of TOUCH with this world , I apparently don't fit in, don't belong & I no longer understand.....
I don't believe in Communism....America seems to now
I don't believe that ISLAM is a religion of Peace.....Americans seems to now
I don't believe Children are born with uni-sexual .....Americans seems to now
I don't believe homosexuality is normal or preferred..... Americans seems to now
I don't believe in sexual confusion (Transsexuals) ....Americans seems to now
I believe in Christianity & kindness......Americans no longer seems to now
I believe in leading by example.....Americans no longer seems to now
I believe in courage & strength......Americans no longer seems to now
I believe in truth & that people can handle it.... Americans no longer seems to now
I believe you work to become your better self.....Americans no longer seems to now
I do believe in knowledge & a higher power....Americans no longer seems to now.
I don't believe a WORD that is spoken out of Washington....Americans still seem to now
I don't believe a word I hear from the media.....Americans still seen to now
I no longer think this country has a vision & a purpose to answer it's calling...Yet Many Americans do
I no longer BELIEVE in this Government or it's willingness to protect it's people...Yet many Americans don't care
I believe this REPUBLIC is DYING a slow death .....And Most of America is just fine with that.....
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