We knew his only experience was that as a Community Organizer....That is to say ...just another Race-Baiting S.O.B. Like Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson....And we elected the S.O.B anyway....Why ?
His Socialistic views have given us what we describe as OBAMACARE.....I guess we all needed to be EQUAL at our chance or odds for death....The Elite's will get EVERYTHING they ever wanted & we get to Die...SLOWLY.....And then we Elected the S.O.B again.....WHY? And the GOP did nothing!
He Wrecked the Economy with his SOCIAL Programs just to keep the Communists in power....Food Stamps...Medicaid....We did Nothing about it....except Bitch about it.....The GOP went out to get Drunk & do Cocaine.....They didn't & don't care.....
He Drew Lines in the Sand with RUSSIA....& retreated like the Sissy-boy he is.....So Russia moved on into Syria......While we Watched....and watched while the World laughed
He reduced all of our Military's presence in the ARAB Countries & Looked the other way (on Purpose) as ISIS gained a Foothold in IRAQ......And we Said Nothing & Did LESS.....Then the GOP RINO's had a Gang bang... And got Drunk....
He is Bringing Illegals from Mexico & Muslims from all over the WORLD here , we are Paying for it all....Housing, Medical, Food & Boy Hookers for the Muslims...Throw in a few Goats & Sheep....And all we do is BITCH...get Called RACISTS & Walk away.....Then the GOP RINO's had another Gang bang... And got Drunk....
He negotiates a New NUKE Deal with the American, Israeli Hating IRANIANS.....And rather than go to the Halls Of Congress for approval he goes to the UNITED NATIONS (mostly Muslims) & we Roll our eyes & walk away Not Surprised one bit....AND then the GOP RINO's had a Orgy... And got Drunk....
We best start taking a bit of time to get our Priorities Right with our GOD & our Friends because we aren't going to be here to much longer.....
The GAME of Politics is RIGGED & there is no WAY for us to win via VOTING....98% of this government or on the NWO ( 'the house of Rothschild are writing the script, and all the politicians are playing roles) PAYROLL
If you want the OLD AMERICA back, prepare for a fight....
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