by Danny Jeffrey
This has been a bad time for liberty, a bad time for political debate, a bad time for the American dream, and most certainly a bad time for me. We all have a breaking point, and several weeks ago I found myself nearing mine and decided that it was time to pause in my obsessive pursuit of the truth. That truth is out there. Many cannot see it. Others choose not to, while I find that what is happening is so obvious that I have been unable to let it go. I have been doing research and writing everyday for nearly six years and finally realized that if I am to go on then it was time to pause. Otherwise I would be a broken man when I am needed most.
True to form, my version of R&R took me to the pages of history for it there that my ability to understand future events was born. I quite simply had to stop writing for a brief period and rest that part of my mind. During that pause of nearly a month I stayed abreast of and posted current events, and my Facebook wall will reveal that.
None but the bold go there for I am but a messenger and any who brings you a message of good tiding is either a traitor or someone living in a serious state of denial. Fear both! Fear also the man who tries to heap guilt upon you because you eat better, live better, and are more intelligent than many in the so called third world nations. They are third world nations because of the religion and philosophies they follow.
If you are a believer, believe this: You have been betrayed by the theologians who speak on your behalf. Religious leaders, political leaders, labor unions, educators, the media, the UN, and the giants of industry have all sold us out. Sadly it would also appear that our generals and admirals have as well, as everyone knows that treason reigns in Washington and nothing is being done to protect us from domestic enemies.
I cannot help but stand in awe at the gullible nature of those who believe we can fix the problem with another rigged election. May God help the gullible and the ignorant, for they surely cannot help themselves.
I mentioned my FB page for it is there that horrors abound. Those news reports are each, in their own way, a tale of another tragedy on Earth. All of those links, taken as a whole, form a composite image revealing nothing less than a hand of evil imprinting pure terror upon the unsuspecting, and often innocent people of this planet.
The above image from People Magazine has a far different purpose as it is telling of my own personal quest. I have long warned my readers that this nation is nearing its final days and that they should prepare for the collapse, the resulting martial law, and an ensuing civil war. I finally decided that I must take my own advice. In seeking an understanding of the future I look to the past; namely World War II, and I beheld such horrors. Man's inhumanity toward man is horrendous and thanks to our modern technology so much easier to apply on a world wide scale.
True to form, my version of R&R took me to the pages of history for it there that my ability to understand future events was born. I quite simply had to stop writing for a brief period and rest that part of my mind. During that pause of nearly a month I stayed abreast of and posted current events, and my Facebook wall will reveal that.
None but the bold go there for I am but a messenger and any who brings you a message of good tiding is either a traitor or someone living in a serious state of denial. Fear both! Fear also the man who tries to heap guilt upon you because you eat better, live better, and are more intelligent than many in the so called third world nations. They are third world nations because of the religion and philosophies they follow.
If you are a believer, believe this: You have been betrayed by the theologians who speak on your behalf. Religious leaders, political leaders, labor unions, educators, the media, the UN, and the giants of industry have all sold us out. Sadly it would also appear that our generals and admirals have as well, as everyone knows that treason reigns in Washington and nothing is being done to protect us from domestic enemies.
I cannot help but stand in awe at the gullible nature of those who believe we can fix the problem with another rigged election. May God help the gullible and the ignorant, for they surely cannot help themselves.
I mentioned my FB page for it is there that horrors abound. Those news reports are each, in their own way, a tale of another tragedy on Earth. All of those links, taken as a whole, form a composite image revealing nothing less than a hand of evil imprinting pure terror upon the unsuspecting, and often innocent people of this planet.
The above image from People Magazine has a far different purpose as it is telling of my own personal quest. I have long warned my readers that this nation is nearing its final days and that they should prepare for the collapse, the resulting martial law, and an ensuing civil war. I finally decided that I must take my own advice. In seeking an understanding of the future I look to the past; namely World War II, and I beheld such horrors. Man's inhumanity toward man is horrendous and thanks to our modern technology so much easier to apply on a world wide scale.
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