by Robby Bowling

I Personally find it unbelievable , that the Idiots, parasites, the brain-dead or brainless are willing to give all their trust, all there hopes, all there dreams & waste all there prayers to a Vile, Evil, Corrupt Government who would kill us or sell us out at the at the sound of Flatulence coming out of George Soros's Ass.....

To all of you you think the Future looks ROSIE, WTF are you smoking, drinking or taking....Barry is a MUSLIM, He was Born by a American Hating Family & he is a COMMUNIST.......

To all of the Brain-dead Catholics , the POPE is a Communist, he grew up in Argentina, does the name Juan Peron ring a bell......What the HELL are we doing here, Celebrating TWO False MESSIAHS....These TWO Self-Righteous Condescending Narcissistic BLOW-HARDS will never SEE the Gates of Heaven....I am certain though Satan has a Nice Hot Spot for these PRETENDERS to discuss Climate Change, Homosexuality, MUSLIMS, Social issues like HATE that they help FOSTER after DECADES of Decline......

Meanwhile I guess we all need to learn "THE LEMMING RAG", sing-a-long & Jump into the bottomless abyss....I can't call it Hell, we are already living that one....I digress....

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