by Robby Bowling

When are the people in this "Screwed-up world going to come to the CONCLUSION that the Road to Salvation , starts within.....And by that I mean we can encourage or discourage each other with our kindness or lack thereof....but the Journey, the Path or the Road is yours & yours make it to Heaven or Hell on your own merits....not mine & damn sure not this self-serving, self-righteous corrupt EVIL Government....

Personal Responsibility is apparently out of vogue, passe & absolute...It's now been assigned duty in the annals of Folklore ....Soon to be a myth....

All the while I agree with the IDEA , that we should ALL be here to help each other....and not to destroy...the Idea is to do no harm....well with good intentions we often fail...we get up kick the dust off & give it another whirl...or we used too....

Nowadays we have learned to blame someone else & their imperfections for our short-comings....I mean Hell this Government is Masterful at it....The Blame Game is a 24/7 Dog & Pony show in Washington, our State Capitols & their Propaganda Programming via the Media....

THIS ROAD TO SALVATION, that we think we are on is actually ,"The Road To Hell" that' been baited with the Trappings of a FALSE UTOPIA....GOOD LUCK with hat one...

Victims of life's circumstances....NOT....we made this bed...that we now try to sleep in...


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