Does America have the "A Thorn Up Its Ass Syndrome?"And now "Bitching, Moaning & Groaning" have become a "RAP (it's not really) Music Group & they are Apparently Hiring the "Mohammed  Satanic Dancing Choir" to Belch, Grown, Pass Stones & Gas , not only for the new CD but Every Live show in the Los Angeles area...The trick is this...Everyone gets a Tattooed Lyric on their Forehead & nobody is ALLOWED to do it in Tune, Key, Harmony or Parsley, Sage Rosemary or Thyme!  We now can Announce that America is FULL of Semi-Functional  TIDE-POD-CONDOM Sniffing & Eating IDIOTS that are AGAINST anything GEORGE SOROS pays them to Protest about...To his CREDIT he does HIRE the Disadvantaged Brainless Poopers & Scoopers that Crap all over themselves, but they've been Modified to do it on CUE! So much for Electrical Suppositories!!!

AMERICAN LIBERALISM  has become a Deadly Bad Joke, but the Question is; "What in the Hell can anyone Do About it?" You'd think the Stench & Ooze  they  leave everywhere would be enough to Stop this "Epidemic Of Idiocy?" Apparently Not..This has become a "Race To The Bottom of The Abyss" & Believe me when I say, we are not Even Close to ."Bottoming Out" I saw on the News a little Earlier some "Teenage Semi-Girl Thing" state at the Forthcoming "NRA Protest" she held no Animosity towards the Members Just those who RUN the Organization....She opined that They were only in it "For The Money!" Well with that in Mind & I know it's Impossible For this "Brain Dead Specimen" to understand but the SUGAR DADDY "George Soros"is a Billionaire & he doesn't Do Anything Out of the "Kindness Of His Heart, he does it for the MONEY...Nothing else matters to him, that is other than being GOD!

There seems to be nothing Left of the AMERICA we grew up in that LIBERALISM can Endorse....The only things they seem to be For is the Group of Terms, Descriptions that end with "ISM"----So Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism,Hedonism & Islam are ALL IN, everything else is out....I did forget to put Peversion's in that Group, oh well!   Hedonism sort of covers it! My question to them (if they could answer) is Do they think that this "Peel Me A Grape" world can continue infinitely....

The type OF Socialism they Think they are Embracing always ends in Failure...History shows & proves that, but no one is Taught HISTORY anymore, I guess one day it will be called "The Rothschild-Soros Fables" ...What can you do when IGNORANCE is so pervasive & willing?....It's almost like there's a Weekly "Lottery For A Lobotomy!" Too bad we can't make them Understand that George Soros is not the "Wizard Of Oz"....Life isn't a Bowl Of Cherries or an Endless High where we all live in a Utopian Villa located on or in Shangri-La!

It seems to me that for the most part , the WRONG Group of People are Protesting All The Wrong Things" Shouldn't our Real Focus be on "Ignorance & Mental Illness?" We talk or is to Bloviate about Everything But those Issues.....HATE & ENVY are Part of Every Message we hear from the Professional Propagandists in the FAKE MEDIA....That being said there Should be Little Wonder or Surprise when the RESULTS end up as VIOLENT Acts Of RAGE....You know it's almost like it was All PLANNED that Way?

We as Individuals & as a People & Country should be Striving for Excellence & not Perfection....Perfection is not Possible but Excellence is....Excellence is an Attitude & it's also a Willingness...It affects our ability to Learn, to Adapt, to Evolve & to Grow....What I see in AMERICA is anything but...I see Mediocrity, I see Lack of Effort, I see Lies Passed on as Truths, I see them Accepted, I see Little Knowledge, I see Little Wisdom & I see NO HEALING VISION from ANYONE....We are IGNORANT because we've become Willing & because the Oligarchs, those who Run this FIASCO wish & will it to be!

This is my QUESTION then: Have We Become SLAVES but Just Don't Know it or Realize it....That being said are the OLIGARCHS smart conniving Bastards or is it INSANITY?  I guess it could be a little of both...Who are the "Rightful Masters?" Who are the Truth Tellers? It's one thing Not to Know the Answer, but it's another to Relive a Lie, a Myth much less Misconception....It's been said; we all have to find our own way, our own road to Truth, Knowledge mush less to the Light....

I don't have as much problem with the Idea of being inclusive, but to me that only means you go your own way & I will go mine! I do believe there are "Absolutes" that should not be Questioned....One that comes to mind is "LEAVE the Children" alone....Teaching & Training (Behavior Modification) are not the Same Thing...Another one that DRIVES me Crazy is "Multiculturalism" that to me all BS & Propaganda....Communism does not Embrace Individualism & that is the Subliminal Message of "Multiculturalism" ....For  example I have visited Cities like Toronto, Canada & at least back in those days there were the Sections of hose Cities that were Very "Cultural"....There was China Town, an Irish Area, a Spanish area, there were Markets within them....It was Enjoyable to Walk & Talk to those People....Assimilation is one thing, being FORCED to Live, Behave, Conform to ONE LIFESTYLE like "Multiculturalism" Suggests is another

Deviant Behaviors are IMO Mostly learned....Sexual Peversion's being one....Wasn't there a Time when Child Sacrifice was done & Accepted? If a Group of People from another Planet  Wanted to Settle in AMERICA (As Democrats) & they BELIEVED in "Sacrificing Their FIRST BORN" the LIBERALS would Try to Force that Thought Down our Throats & RULE we Must Allow it...I know you can say that's not Possible & I will then PUSHH Back & say, "But The NOTION Is!" You come into my house, my world, you Play by my Rules..PERIOD....

This is NOT the "One Size Fits All World" The Liberal Communists" want to Sell & Force us to Live in......EVERYTHING we see Coming out of WASHINGTON DC & the MEDIA is about selling CONTROL, not about Making this World Better, it's about Them & their POWER....In today's WORLD all we talk about anymore is the Symptoms of a Problem & not the Disease.....Can Tissues Cure a Cold? Liberal Logic world have us believe that you can Cure "Obesity" with Starvation, Cure Road Rage by Outlawing Cars or Cure Homelessness by Destroying all our Homes...What did Probation do for Alcoholism....There was a similar LAW for  DRUGS....Oh Well, we wouldn't Ever want to get to the Heart or Truth of the Matter would we....There is More MONEY & Theodore more Control to be made from the Lies....Lets just keep selling more Toxic Pills, Toxic Lies & False Narratives.....

One day someone might infer from reading the book; "The Rise & Fall Of America" that TRUTH was once Spoken There but that was a Long Time Ago, it's now Extinct as well as Outlawed...Those who are Supposed to be the JUDGES are as BIASED as those they JUDGE....It's not that People are "Uneducated" it's that they've been TRAINED to Be # 1 Stupid & # 2 to FAIL....Arrogance, Narcissism & Apathy has been the FALL of Many a People, Culture, Society, Government & Country....The It Can't Happen Here or To Me was Fart of the FLAWED Apathy....So now that we are Need Deep in Excrement , where are the Bulldozers to Move the Maintains Of Lies?

Guns were NEVER the Problem,but Stupidity & Gullibility were & are...GUNS are just a Talking Point! However GUNS are not the Solution for what Ails us because if you are too IGNORANT to know who the ENEMY is , it's all but over.... THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, should read;

 My Name Is Dumb-Ass
 I Don't Know Wrong From Right 
I'm just here for Your Folly
I will never see the Light
I once had a Memory
Of a land lost long ago
I was told there was once reason
That now nobody can knows
I can destroy with fire
My fulfillment is hate
And I'm now just a Plaything
And the Hour is now late  


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