Maybe it's me, but it seems we "Deliberately" go about our "Daily Business
& Affairs " paying Less & Less Attention to what's Unfolding around
us....Is it Symptomatic of a "Thought Process" that seems to be Resigned to
Defeat or Apathetic about the World & our ability to Shape, Sway or Control
the Outcomes or Destinies...In other words "Floundering" at best!...
Most of us that Studied History know that those who Want & Love
Communism, Socialism, Fascism or Totalitarianism have been here for over a
Century...They have been moving us closer & closer to their Goal of a ONE
WORLD GOVERNMENT (NWO) with every breath they or we take...And now that that
GOAL is in sight & Victory as well, have the Majority of the Brainless
Idiots just said YES, "Come On In?"...I don't get it, I'm sorry...What I see is
not an scene from "ALCATRAZ, THE MOVIE" In other words
the "Police State" has arrived...It's just not called that YET!...
We basically have no Freedom of Speech, Religion, the Press & the few
we still have in some fashion, they are chipping away at them as we
speak ....But you are "Sure As Hell" FREE to Change you Sex" anytime you
want...Think about it Born a Boy, Change to a Girl, Change Back & then
Change to anyone of 54 other "Variations Of Lunacy!" If you are a Muslim you
are FREE to hate anyone or anything...If you are a "Illegal Immigrant" you can
do ANYTHING & MORE than any AMERICAN Citizen can....Can I go to Russia &
Vote, get Free Housing, Free Food & Free Healthcare, I don't think so...But
who am I to say... I know if you are a LIBERAL PARASITE you'll just say I'm just
a "Disgruntled Conservative Christian, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Liberal
Communist...I guess one day "Sooner Than I'd Like" I'll become FOOD for the
"Cannibalistic Hordes of Parasites the Liberal Oligarchy has to Feed Daily
...May they all get "Indigestion" & Shit themselves to death....
As a Teenager I read all the books by Orwell & Huxley (others as well)
& I Started to REALIZE the WORLD they Described was Forthcoming, but now
I realize they were "Too Damn Optimistic"'''It's worse than they described...Our
decent into Hell has become a reality....Can it be Stopped? Well, maybe, but I
highly doubt we will...It takes Leadership, it takes a Vision & it takes
Faith; all of which is RARE in the "21st Century American Zombie"
All the CRAP we see from Washington DC & the Media Centers in NYC are
CREATED just for "Our Entertainment" ...The Ugly Truth is this is nothing more
than a "Three Ring Circus" & the Animals in the CAGES are US...We are in the
Center Ring & they are & they have been "Playing Us"...But Sadly 75% of
America doesn't understand or give a damn...Let me remind you as Mark Twain once
said:"Don't Let Schooling Get In The Way Of Your Education"...For more than 50
years "Liberal Socialist Communist Professors" have effectively given the
American Youth a "Lobotomy" ...If you can't think, you can't Challenge, Ask
Questions much less Understand or Learn....People have effectively become
"Monkeys In A Cage" & all they apparently know how to do anymore is Pickup
their Excrement & throw it at Passerby's, Sit on the Ground & Masturbate
like the Brainless Ignorant Idiots they actually are!!!!
It took more than Just Apathy to Kill "Rome, Athens & now America" it
took a Willing & Learned Ignorance....If we could have Harnessed that like a
Weapon we could have "Conquered, Worlds Unknown" instead we committed Suicide
via Ignorance, Self-Hate, Threats or Wars & Deviant Sexual
Perversion's.....What a World, What a Life; RIP
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