You don't get to this older stage of life without seeing Pets, Friends, Loved ones & Family Cross Over into the other Side or Realm...Unless you are a Sociopath with no Empathy or Compassion it can be an Emotional, sometimes Painful Experience...To use a cliche it is very hard to let go....The Images, The Moments, The Sounds, The Stage, The Place & The Time will play over in your head over & over... They Flashbacks can & will come at any moment...Ready or not, I might add.
I do my best to remain Circumspect & Cognizant of the MOMENT, the Here & Now as well as where this Ship may be sailing or drifting to in the distance...I was Born in a Generation we called the "BABY BOOMERS"...Some will say we were a SPOILED Generation...I reckon that's that's at least Partially True...And for some Certainly more so than others...I myself was Raised on a FARM in North Texas....We were DIRT POOR...Having said that we never ever Understood or Felt that way, much less thought about it...My Mother Sewed our Clothes, she Cooked, she had a Garden, we had Chickens & a Few head of Cattle & when we came home from SCHOOL she became a Teacher or a Teachers Helper...
We were all Raised as CHRISTIANS! We went to Church every time the "Church Doors" were open...Church in that ERA was about Fellowship & Friendship...It was not about SOCIALIZING like it's become today....This was also the "JIM CROW ERA" even though that was not really ANYTHING we the Kids Understood at all...We lived in a Small Town called Decatur a little north of the city of Fort Worth...Population less than 4,000...My Graduating class was 65...And while we had gone through INTEGRATION by then there were only a few Black Americans in each class...
By & large most of us NEVER gave one thought about being around ANYONE from another Race...While my FAMILY, just was not the Prototype American Family.My mother would have NEVER let us treat Anyone Black, Spanish or Asian with anything other than RESPECT....PERIOD...Simply stated we were TAUGHT that People were all the same...Are dreams were the same, we wanted to Learn, Play & go out into the World & Find our own way....

I am of IRISH Mothers FATHER & HER MOTHER came to TEXAS from Missouri in a COVERED WAGON...No one in their FAMILIES has Ever Owned Slaves....So I don't want to hear this LIBERAL HATE Crap about "White Privilege" ...we didn't know anything but DIRT, even though the Little Frame Farmhouse had TONS of love in it...But that's another story...
My Father had THREE Brothers that Fought in WWII & Luckily they all came home.My Father Worked at an Aircraft Factory that Made Bombers & Fighters for the military...So I do believe they ALL understood what America & Sacrifice was all about....You actually could never get them to talk about the WAR...Now Looking at the Chaos that surrounds us all now, I understand....It's hard to Reconcile....
Everyone in the Family (men & women) knew that whatever there was out in this World you Wanted or Desired you were going to have to WORK for it...So I put myself through College by working & Play in R & R Bands...I Read a lot of BOOKS...HEINLEIN, HESSE, TWAIN, HUXLEY, ORWELL, TOLKIEN & AYN RAND were amongst the many Writers I couldn't get enough of....And while I may well have had it better than some, I'll dare you to INSULT me with this WHITE SHAME CRAP....It does not Apply....It may well apply to the GUILTY WHITE ZEALOT LIBERAL that had to steal, cheat & learn to Lie for everything they have...
I saw the Kennedy assassination, I saw how LBJ & the Deep State Covered up the Death investigation...I saw & even Questioned at that age how the DEEP STATE conveniently allowed Lee Harvey Oswald to be murdered by JACK RUBY....And then to see how RUBY miraculously got CANCER & Died....It was the DAWNING Moment that I started QUESTIONING everything...specifically WASHINGTON DC...LBJ etc....

I saw what the Cold War did to America,...I say even more with Vietnam & the LBJ lies...I had friends come home in Body Bags & I know a Few that made it back only to later "Blow Their Brains Out"no one in the Government Gave a damn & treated them as such.....
I also saw & witnessed COLLEGES started catering to the COMMUNISTS....The Communist Liberal Professors started coming in Droves...they, in turn, started producing Liberal Communist Socialist Teachers that went into PUBLIC SCHOOLS...The MEDIA had TURNED by then...they Hated the WAR & they Hated "NIXON" even more...But NIXON being an Alcoholic was easily dealt with....
As we moved from the 60's everything got more & more Militant....LBJ created a FAILURE called the "War On Poverty" OBAMACARE it was Meant to FAIL...It helps break up the BLACK FAMILY...It put them in Government Housing Projects...Like Hotel could check-in, but never check out...They were full of DRUGS, HOPELESSNESS & PROSTITUTES....And the FEDS bribed them with WELFARE MONEY....They still do...Vote Democrat & keep the money coming....
But the Anarchists like Saul Alinsky & others knew it would would bring disenchantment, jealousy, envy & turn to HATE ....HATE is the key word here....Liberalism is always Full of Zealots with Messianic Complexes....GEORGE SOROS is one such man...As part of the Rothschild Family, he is a BILLIONAIRE...He Hates Capitalism...He hates AMERICA,...He is a Jew who claims to be an Atheist...but they actually are SATAN Worshipers....

These Zealots have been trying for 100 years to create the "NEW WORLD ORDER", they now stand on the EDGE of that Dream...our Nightmare...not that they care...they don't
If you've ever read George Orwell's "1984" you should know that his NIGHTMARE view of the Anarchy Chaos & Destruction is HAPPENING now...Protest Groups, Neo-Lefties & Neo-Righties along with the SOROS Money are Staging Violence in Cities across the USA...They have Money backing, the MEDIA Backing & the Liberal Government Support...They are doing exactly what ORWELL described in his Book, they are tearing down HISTORY...And all the Media & Politicians do is FAN THE FLAMES
In my Opinion, this is becoming a "Path Of No Return"...Nothing Positive will come From it...No one will be HEALED from their Past Pains or Nightmares...This has already lead to DEATH & there will be more to Follow...This is what some would call MOB MENTALITY...Don't get me WRONG after a Death, there;s always a Parrot, a Parasite, a Talking Head Puppet who'll disavow the Blood, but let's be honest IT'S "DISINGENUOUS" & Predictable...In other words SCRIPTED & REHEARSED....LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION---5,4,3,2,1 ROLL...
Here we now have a train, there is motion, there is emotion, that turns to angst & then to HATE ...Further down the Road, it Turns to Anarchy, then it turns into CIVIL WAR, a CONFLICT...with Lives, Property, Dreams as well as our PAST -Destroyed, but for what Purpose? Who stands to Win & Who Stands to Lose....The answer is this the only winners are the Elite's, the Oligarchs & the NEW WORLD ORDER (Soros & Rothschild Groups).The People will LOSE....This is actually nothing more than a Staged "Coup d'état" to Topple AMERICA & Create a Permanent GRIP on Power by the Liberal Progressive Communist Socialist Fascists HIDING in Plain Sight but Masquerading as Leaders-Politicians...To QUOTE George Patton: "Politicians are the SCUM of the Earth, especially Liberal ones!"
They are starting by Tearing down Statues & Burning Buildings, and then it will Escalate into Libraries, then Schools, the Homes, then Cities & then they will come for US because we DISAGREE....If we don't THINK like them they will Threaten, then there will be Pain & from there Death for all, they consider the Enemy....

The circus is Coming to Town, but not to Entertain you but to capture you...It's coming to install & reinforce every Fear Trigger Known to the HATERS...We are Watching the DEATH OF AMERICA & there's actually very little we can do to STOP the TRAIN of Death....All we have is Each Other, but we've now been DIVIDED into every Hate or Fear Group on the Planet...There are 537 BASTARDS in Washington DC we think we elect...the MAJORITY of them Work of the NEW WORLD ORDER (SOROS) the same can be said about the has been being controlled by the DEEP STATE for Decades (Operation Mockingbird)...
Those who destroy the PAST will rewrite the Narrative to Glorify themselves & to eviscerate their Enemies....The Liberals are the TRUE HATERS here...they are the Racists, they are the Narcissists who think they are the Reincarnation of a Messiah....They are Hedonistic, many are Pedophile's, many Worship SATAN....This is in FACT, "History Repeating Itself"....we will go the same way as ROME or ATHENS....Some of us were Arrogant, Some were fools, Some were Scammed, Some were too busy to Watch, Some didn't Care & yes some were too Naive to believe there IS EVIL like this in the WORLD....Bad News is that it's EVERYWHERE's ever-present & overwhelming....
The way I see it the Closet Communists who call themselves LIBERALS are trying their best to Instill Fear into every Breath We Take...They Why they are PUSHING the WAR Narrative with Russia & Now North Korea....They think we are so Fearful of War, of Blood, of Destruction that we will SURRENDER & simply walk away...So the OPTION is this: "Surrender & be a Prisoner (or Worse) or Die in Battle...Well while I may be an Old Man, I will not cower to them...My life is now Mostly in the "Past Tense" I don't have that many more Years to Live....So what if they make threats to KILL Me....I'm going to die anyway....screw them....bring it...I'll take a Few with Me.
The Quality of Life, the Dreams, the Optimism, the Laughter, the Perks of a Good Song, a Good Meal Shared with a Good Friend, Lover or Family are the ONLY things we actually live for....Yes, this is a Material World, but there are no Pockets in Shrouds....This Moment is all we have...There is no Tomorrow Promised by anyone....The Moment., Life's Dance is "Ongoing until the Music Stops...we know n to when or is what it is....nothing more, nothing less...

This Life, this Body is nothing but Energy & it cannot be destroyed, but it does Change Forms....Perhaps that's the METAPHOR of change we use for the Birth & Death Transition...It's not for me to say...just's just a Casual Passing Thought....
There are FAR more important issues to deal with in a Chaotic World than the Superficial ones being THRUST upon us by the "Disease" I call LIBERALISM....We all have things, moments & Nightmares from our past we'd rather Forget....Yes, they were Ugly, Frightening & sometimes Stupid....if you are smart you learn from the (what you will) & move on or get over it...That's what we call LIFE....Life is not some "Picturesque Moment" it's a Convolution of all our MOMENTS...Whether we like it or not they ALL played a Part...
WASHINGTON DC wants & needs you to believe they are the "GOOD GUYS"--I hate to tell you, but they are anything but that.LIBERALISM with George Soros at the HELM (Along with is BILLION$) has recreated HITLERS GERMANY ...The Hate Groups you see are recreations of the "Brown Shirts" & "Hitler Youth" groups SOROS belonged to as a teenager....How many of you know about "The REICHSTAG FIRE?" It was a "FALSE FLAG OPERATION" Hitler used to start a conflict...The. Charlottesville incident from last week is no Different....SOROS Paid the GROUPS from Both Sides to Create the Chaos & Anarchy...Sadly a LIFE was lost because of the HATE that's taken over AMERICA & the WORLD...And there will be more to can bet on it....
Soros & his NWO buddies smell Blood....They are still PISSED that they "Lost An Election" they thought they had you might say this is their way of MAKING UP FOR IT....Blame it all on TRUMP....He'snot a Politician, he's not one of them, he's not 'Politically Correct"& he's Crude & not SOPHISTICATED like the Sociopaths we've been ELECTING to Office time & time again...The Lord Knows Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, McCain, Romney, Hillary & all the rest of the Washington Establishment of "WARTHOGS" are preferable....

Haven't you ever wanted to tell a HIGH-PRESSURE SALESMAN, to shut the Hell Up & Walk away...Well, I've done it more than once....Most can't believe you'd even CHALLENGE them...Same goes for the WASHINGTON DC Elites...They are simply nothing but High-Pressure Salesmen & in this case they are TRYING to Close the DEAL for a new "Socialist America"..though they'd never call t by name...
Conservative Christian Americans will soon be Hunted down & either Destroyed or Silenced...the end result I the same....Don't you think it's PAY BACK TIME? Isn't it time to STOP this MADNESS...Even if we FAIL we have to Try....We are Not Even Trying anymore...The MESSAGE of HATE has been effective...Families & Friends have been destroyed...for what...the HATE that came from the Small Minds of the Parasite I Call LIBERALS....They Offer Nothing Of Value...they are the ones that Ought to be Destroyed...not my Job...but is is our JOB to STOP them in their Tracks
It will get Worse & All of this Chaos will Continue...We can't Ignore the REALITY that we are FINISHED unless WE put a stop to this...CANCER does not CURE itself....America has a CANCER growing in it called LIBERALISM, George Soros is one of the Tumors....Ignorance, Apathy, Appeasement & Fear are their Friends....It's time to get up off of our "Deathbed"

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