by Robby Bowling
In today's World ( America) our Politicians , those who Think they are  Politicians, those who Want to be a Politician & their Partners in Crime, the CIA Run MEDIA are "Very BIG" about "Talking our Problem (Any Problem) to DEATH... And as far as "Conversations" go "Rational" Talk can be constructive or beneficial & "Irrational Conversations"  only DIVIDE....And "For What It's Worth" I do not believe that the 537 Elected Crooks in Washington DC have Degrees in "Psychology ...And I don't won't or need to hear about the Fake Phony Messiah Pretenders who claim to be Preachers or Ministers, SORRY, I I don't buy the Impossible ...And.Most of those in My Opinion Serve SATAN himself...

Surely I am not the only one here that is SICK of all this "Transsexual (Gender Confusion) dialog...Transsexual Bathrooms,Transsexuals in the Military,Transsexuals in PRISON & getting Insurance Coverage for Reassignment Surgery!!! Let's be honest here for a Moment (if we can) this is Just another "Rules For Radicals" (Alinsky) talking point, just like Russia, Muslims, Socialism, Rich Man, Poor Man, White Man, Brown Man, Black Man...& on & On & On the Incoherent Fear Mongering Spiel  goes until it Turns to Hate..."Which Is The Desired Conclusion & Effect!"

This is not "Particularly Original" but here is my thought about this so called "Gender Confusion Delusion!" First it's BEING Sold almost like its a "FAD" you know the Next IN Thing...And the Sad thing is the STUPID Brainless Pathetic Youth of today & their "Fanatical Fruit Cake Parents" buy  it , just like they would if it was a "Line Of Coke," a "Bag Of Weed (Legal or no) or some Doctor "Over-Prescribed" Upper or downer! There are ONLY...(drum roll) TWO GENDERS...MALE & FEMALE...period...You can Cut your Sexual Parts Out & you Can Have Some added...But your Genes & Chromosome make up will always say you are one or the other...This is NOT Debatable either....

Let me Phrase it this way, If you believe you are "DUCK" & want to live your Life as a Duck & Fantasize you can "Lay Eggs" well by All Means have at it...because I actually don't give a (Censored) what you do...LEAVE ME & THE REST OF US ALONE.......If you want to Change your Appearance, add or subtract "Body Parts" well I have news for you, its your PROBLEM not mine...Shouldn't we be honest & see the TRUTH..this is 98% TAUGHT BEHAVIOR....I hold that Maybe 2% of the Gays & Lesbians MIGHT harbor a "Fantasy" because they are Attracted to their own SEX" ...

Perverted Sick People are Teaching CHILDREN to be what THEY want them to be...They like the Sick Parents are pushing the Agenda & going right along with the "Snake Dance" or whatever it really is...I call it indoctrination...And Let's be honest "Pedophilia" is what's actually on the rise here...And that's what this is really all about....Radically Changing what we Believe in....Forcing us BY LAW to comply with what we Know is a SICKNESS....

This SICK WORLD is being run by the 'Sick Evil Bastards" who want everyone to be just as sick & miserable as they are...The Bad News is the Plan is Working....They Run the Schools, they Run the Media, they Run Hollywood, London, Paris, Frankfort, Rome, All the Governments & they Own All the BANKS....But you need to get Ready, this is a Ruse & a Setup for the FINALE, later on...


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