by Robby Bowling

Speaking for myself I am sick of the "sanctimonious,self-righteous Hippocrates that pass themselves as Messiahs....Well if they are Messiahs, what of or who do they serve?  Why I ask you, do we allow these Parasites, Pretenders, Frauds, Fakes & Phonies to Play A Game by rules they makeup on the fly, to match their needs....These Leftist, Progressive, Socialists, Marxist or Fascists just LOST an ELECTION, they tried to Rig...The MEDIA or Propagandists did everything they could to FORCE FEED the Bitch HILLARY CLINTON into to our lives Permanently....They Rigged to Polling Data, they tried to be the "Perfect Attack Dog" or Enemy of her Adversary Donald Trump....They created Faux, Fake Stories, Headlines & Opinions & even with the 24/7 barrage of advertising saying in effect the Kingdom was Hillary's, she lost....
I honestly Wish I the Corporate Brain we call the MEDIA was on SUICIDE WATCH, but it's anything but....If you Listen to the Spiel & read between the "Bylines" you'd have to say that the "World According To the Leftist Agenda" is inferring the "WORLD WAR III" has just started....Well in the Passing Days & Moments we've seem Anarchy & Chaos breakout like a SYPHILIS EPIDEMIC at Bathhouse Barry's Gay Slut Factory....Not to mention the Run on "Crybaby Towels" &" Kleenex " Oh Boy, go right ahead  "Cry Me A River" & Get over it....Come on now the Left is taking this like they just got their PHONY HEARTS broken & were stood up at the ALTER ....Poor Poor Pitiful Parasites or whatever you prefer to call them....

This Country like others is based in principle (is there any such thing anymore) on Law & Order...We play by the RULES, well we used too...And I will be the First to acknowledge that if you are Competitive, you don't like losing, but come on now....Losing does hurt...seriously do you DESTROY everything in sight ? How long will these CHILDISH Temper Tantrums Continue ? I will offer this thought, they WILL NOT STOP until those who are actually Footing the Bill for all this STAGED HELL tell them to stop....
 Leadership in AMERICA has in effect become "No Better" than that of "Banana Republics" or "Third World Dictatorships" ...The only Difference (at least in the part) was the "Coup D'Etat" here wasn't done by a Renegade General....Everything in this Country has been reduced to "CASH ON THE BARREL-HEAD" rules supreme....It comes with Silk Suits, Million Dollar  Mansions & Fast Cars....There is only one Prerequisite, Terminal Narcissism .....Big egos are a must...And who knows I'm sure "Alcoholism & Drug Addiction" is a given....
These people in my opinion are SICK, they are delusional far beyond what an 60's LSD Trip could do....They are ate up with Hate & Misery to the point its an "all-consuming Cancer"....They have but ONE Goal....To control the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.....The Ends Justify The Means, nothing else matters....They are the MASTERS, everyone else is nothing more a slave or a servant....All of the STAGED Protests & Actors will get worse after TRUMP takes office....And for those who doubt this possibility, go read about HITLER & GERMANY in the Run Up to WWII.....Hitler was also in Bed with the MUSLIMS.... 

DO YOU REALLY THINK ITS OVER? It hasn't even begun! 

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