by Robby Bowling
Putting on my ever-present Cynics hat & acknowledging I TRUST NO ONE in Washington DC.....Have you ever given any thought that lets say for example the IRANIAN Deal accomplished EXACTLY what it was Supposed to....Make IRAN a MAJOR Player in the potential Death of America,....They got EVERYTHING & MORE than they Bargained for....And if OBAMA & KERRY Claim this was the "Best Deal " they could get , maybe that's EXACTLY what happened.....
If you want to look at OBAMA'S immigration & borders policies, maybe they were made in  the "BEST INTEREST" or Best Intentions, but for who?

And maybe OBAMA'S & HILLARY'S "Foreign Policies" like pulling out of IRAQ & Leaving an OPENING for ISIS was the Intent all along....And you could then make the same "argument" about the SYRIAN RED LINE, which was only a Rhetorical Spiel, that allowed the Grandiose Pompous Blithering Idiot OBAMA his 15 minute QUOTA of Television time for the day.....You can FORGET forever the old Teddy Roosevelt line ,"Walk softly & carry a Big Stick"......We've had a CRY LIKE A BABY POTUS for almost 8 years....Or was that just Theater?

We also know that the SOROS/ROTHSCHILD Foundation Put BILLION$ of DOLLAR$ into electing OBAMA & he/ they're doing the SAME with HILLARY....If you know anything about SOROS he doesn't do ANYTHING unless it BENEFITS HIM.."Financially"....I believe he's given 25-45 MILLION DOLLAR$ to the "Black Lives Matters Group" (that incidentally RUSSIA'S PUTIN put on a Terrorist list) &"pledged" 500 MILLION DOLLAR$ for the SYRAN Refugees (MUSLIMS & RADICALS) to settle into what is LEFT of AMERICA!  HILLARY called him the World's Greatest Social Entrepreneur.....Someone she Idolizes .....Yea for his MONEY....He is not Doing this For Nothing.....He is not "Mr Nice Guy".....He was behind the EUROPEAN OPEN BORDERS MOVEMENT.....Honestly now what has it done for France, Belgium, England, Sweden, Denmark & Others? He is behind it here....SHOULDN'T  we be asking what the END GAME is?.... Never-mind why would we ever return to the Premise of Protecting Ourselves, it's not "Politically Correct"

Lets go back to the BANK FAILURES when BUSH was the POTUS....Who started the LENDING Practices that LENT ( pun-intended) to the BANKING FAILURES....The CLINTON'S.....The BANKERS Knew full & well most of the Loans would FAIL....Then why did they make them ? They were Guaranteed a Bailout! Does anyone know what Business the ROTHSCHILD'S (Soros too) are famous For? The ANSWER is BANKING ! Ask yourself this How does a FAMILY such as the ROTHCHILD'S who are Bankers #1 make that kind of mistake or #2 was it a mistake? Maybe it was the Calculated INTENDED Consequences.....

We've entered a world where we are Worried about Cyber-Security ...We are being told that RUSSIAN & CHINESE Governments are Hacking into Washington DC Computers....Yet OBAMA gave away the reigns to the INTERNET to the Not-So-United Nations....Perfectly "Logical" if you want anything but Security......

Who are the "WINNERS OR LOSERS" in this game ....I don't see how ANYONE could say any of these things were GOOD  for AMERICANS.....What was the old line in a move I think it was "Little Big Man"..Spoken by the Chief Dan George,"it's a Good Day To Die"....Isn't that what we are doing here....But without any HONOR , whatsoever.....

WASHINGTON DC is the ENEMY WITHIN.....Honesty, truth & virtue as far as Politicians go doesn't exist ....They are ALL GUILTY of TREASON to one Degree or another and yes maybe some more than others.....

Are you enough of a FOOL to believe we can OVERCOME this? Well as I look around the Room, the City & I listen to what people say & I compare it to what the Government Controlled MEDIA & the Politicians ASSES speak...I see Two Different worlds  at a minimum ....the Narratives don't Match.....People are looking for LEADERSHIP & IMO the leaders they NEED do not exist.....The Media & the Government Paint a Picture of a WORLD that doesn't exist & will NEVER exist.....
We've been living a a LIE for Decades.....We've Trusted CROOKS (Both Parties) & what are the RESULTS.....FAILURE after FAILURE after FAILURE...Unless this is the RESULT they Wanted....The NEW WORLD ORDER is arriving , resist & you will die.....You/we are all expendable....they don't care....they haven't in DECADES if they ever did....

The same conditions that gave us OBAMA are still with us...... We have a GOVERNMENT with 537 JACKASSES we supposedly elect....They Never Really STOPPED or changed anything he did....On now there was a little bit of THEATER , you know the old. "Dog & Pony Show" but it failed overtime & most of these EFFORTS were half-hearted at how will it be with HILLARY at the Helm? THE DOG & PONY SHOW MUST GO ON for infinity & we will be living in a Worthless Hell, because we didn't want to get our Hands Dirty, because we wanted someone else to do it for us & because we are apparently STUPID....

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