Once again I will fall on the Sword & admit FONDLY I am a relic of the past.....I was born After WWII & grew up on a North Texas farm, a rural community & a SMALL Town with less than 4,000 people...We were POOR People as far as the Opulent life goes...No new cars, an old 100 year old farm house with NO Air Conditioner , no Central Heat, no Fire Places, just a few space heaters....We raised cattle & some were as we needed it, slaughtered for food...And yes we had a garden....I had two Brothers & one Sister .....And my MOTHER sewed & Hand-stitched many of the Clothes we wore..And as I said we were DIRT POOR.....BUT we were FAMILY FIRST, we were LOVED & not a one of us EVERY WANTED for any TRUE NEED......So actually we were RICH beyond means....
Many a time I heard my parents , their Family & their Peers all Describe the Horrors or WAR.....I saw the Korean War come & go & I watched as my friends were drafted into the Military to fight in VIETNAM.....Many didn't return home.....I watched as JFK was assassinated, Bobby Kennedy assassinated & Martin Luther get assassinated....Yet this Country HELD together & overcame all of these obstacles...we BELIEVED in the American Vision, We BELIEVED in GOD, We BELIEVED that RIGHT & TRUTH would Defeat the EVIL of this World....We believed in FAMILY....We Believed in love....

What do we believe in anymore? The Liberals would have you believe AMERICA is the PROBLEM....Apparently AMERICA has Polluted the AIR & oceans,we have created HATE, we have Created a Hedonistic Society that MUST PAY for EVERY SIN this world has created...By our SLOW Painful imminent DEATH...

So I will acknowledge we have an Imperfect history, who doesn't.....But if I may where are the ANSWERS....Real ones, not Mythical ones?

Where are the REAL answers for POVERTY? Where are the Real Cures for Diseases? What is the REAL CAUSE & Answer for Global Warming? Is there such a thing, really.??...Crap what happened to the MILLIONS put into Wind-Power & Solar Batteries ?...What is the Media REALLY SELLING? And Why & for who?....What has education REALLY done for us ? Are we Smarter? Perhaps we've been Indoctrinated & Brainwashed? Ask yourself this ; Are we really Free? Is this just an ILLUSION? Well maybe its a DELUSION in some cases...

Now ask yourself this one; other than with the advent of our modern perks like COMPUTERS etc are we any better off NOW than the DAYS when we were all Children.....We Still have WARS, We apparently HATE better than EVER....There is NO Religious Freedom if you are a CHRISTIAN .....but whoa Nellie, if you are a MUSLIM your are "IN"....If you are a old School Male & Female who believe in Traditional Marriage & Unions you are VILIFIED WITH NO END....BUT , if you are GAY, LESBIAN or TRANSSEXUAL you've become the Next FOLK HERO.....I can only ascertain that this Prison sentence of SLAVERY has been Changed.....SO WHERE IS THIS MYTHICAL FAIRY-TALE GOING?....

ANSWER: if you SMELL Death, If you SEE Death, If you FEAR Death & you see your Future in a Coffin not in a FAUX....Disney World Utopian Villa....than that's where this is heading....I for one will fight these BASTARDS to my DEATH....Yes I know Barry the Fairy our QUEEN has a MUSLIM that will be happy to TURN OUT THE LIGHTS on my LIFE....

Right now PEOPLE we are Playing a LOSING GAME....by giving into the FEAR & Doing Nothing.....IMO we are worse off than anytime in History...and we should have known better..

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