by Robby Bowling
I find it MORE than telling that after Carson made his commits about having a MUSLIM PIG as POTUS that the FAKE, FAUX or PHONY Republicans attacked him every bit as much as all the Commie Fags, Hags, Lesbian's, Hoe's & downright STUPID.....If Barry The Fairy Muslim had been elected as President of France in 1970....most Americans in this Country would have been SHOCKED.....We'd have just shook our head & said what are the FRENCH putting in their Pipes to smoke....His FAMILY Back Ground as well as the BIRTH Issues would have tanked the Gay Expresso Muslim's Elections....But not in AMERICA 2008....
I'm bewildered , have we evolved to a point where we can DENY the absolute TRUTH & not expect to pay DIRE consequences for our ACTIONS.... Or Lack thereof ....How many of you are READY to meet your Maker....How many of you think AMERICA'S best days are yet to COME....I sure as hell don't....at least not unless we get our priorities in line with some REALITY....
However what I would have love to have heard is; we already have a MUSLIM President & the White House is already over run with them......And in addition to that he is a COMMUNIST.....All I can allow is this, when this FAUX Freedom of speech even reflects an undertone of TRUTH & you get this TYPE of push back....well Freedom of Speech is DOA...unless you are a Communist.....
When will people REALIZE that our nations GREATEST Threat is WASHINGTON DC itself....Both Damn Parties .....with the exception of MAYBE 10 Honest People who wanted to do right by the people they represent.....
What this COUNTRY really needs to do to SURVIVE is REELECT none of them....If this was a CAR or a HOME is would be headed to the JUNK YARD....And that is where every damn politician should be going.....except to to PRISON or the FIRING SQUAD......But we know that's a Fantasy Island ,Pipe Dream....
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