by Robby Bowling

Why haven't the people, the pawns, the puppets or the peons ever figured out that those WHO have Everything & Control Everything want you to PAY for everything in the WORLD....Every Change & every Wish we have has a COST....Most of us if we want something bad enough work & sacrifice to obtain it...No more..Welcome to the Welfare State,,, The Communist leadership in this country once called America have Conquered This Once Great Nation without FIRING a SHOT.....We weren't overthrown....hell we were Purchased & I might add that Those who who actually WORKED & Sacrificed, paid for this Financial, Coup d e'tat ! With Blood & Money.....

We have more People (Parasites) on Food Stamps than ever....We have more people on Medicaid than ever....We have Millions of Illegal Immigrants joining those social programs....And Now we are TOLD we have to accept THOUSANDS of Camel-Humping MUSLIMS as Refugees.....And for all you Learned People out there I simply ask; who the ___ do you think is paying for Squatter Nation ?...... Well it isn't going to be the Rockefeller's, George Soros, Al Sharpton, much less any FRIGGING Member of the Septic Tank we call WASHINGTON DC....We are PAYING for the BAD...CIRCUS ACT & we have NO Choice, No Say & No way to STOP this continual Erosion of the Now Forthcoming AMERICAN Myth or Tragedy....Well at Least JUDAS Hung himself in shame for SELLING out JESUS......

Once again Prosperity & a FEW EVIL men bought off a complaisant & apathetic society .....With the FAUX PROMISES of doing nothing & getting all the spoils for ZIP, NOTHING.....Think about it why can't we come to GRIPES with the FACT most of the News (Excrement) is STAGED....All the Anarchy & Chaos is Scripted Like a GENERALS Battle Plan....And we drink it up like a cheap Wine from MEXICO....with an American Label on it .....Any yet WE DO NOTHING....This 'Ship Of Fools" is sinking like the Bismark or Titanic.....

What are we doing here, just rolling over & saying Come on in , We will feed the Parasites until they turn on us....However we are EATEN-UP with the STUPID we couldn't find our way out the HOUSE that was burning unless we were ushered out....A FREE SOCIETY ...BS...Free to be Stupid & Die....

“Be not the slave of your own past - plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.” Emerson

"We are always getting ready to live, but never living." Emerson

"To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven" Emerson

. “We were put here as witnesses to the miracle of life. We see the stars, and we want them. We are beholden to give back to the universe…. If we make landfall on another star system, we become immortal. Ray Bradbury...


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