by Robby Bowling

Has Government evolved into a 24/7 continuum of Sound Bites & Spin....Remember the old Television commercial. "Where's The BEEF?"..... There's another slang term..."SIZZLE SALES" that seems more than apt or apropos...It really comes down to "Selling The Con"....Getting us to" TAKE THE BAIT."... " HOOK, LINE & SINKER" most of this now ZOMBIE Nation of Fools, Fag wannabe's , Boys who wanna be Girls & Girl who wanna be retooled as boys is the FOCUS of this GOVERNMENTS Attention....Or MUSLIM LOVE?....Come on now what does that tell you?

Rather than DEAL with Problems this now Fairy-tale Government would rather dwell on Fantasy's ( their on) than deal with the PROBLEMS they CREATED themselves....This Government hasn't FIXED one Damn thing since the Defeat of HITLER in WWII.....Hell not trying to be accurate that was over 70 years ago...All you Girls know the old line, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY" don't you?

Well IMO we've gotten SCREWED ROYALLY....but affection, cuddling or those little sweet words of inspiration have been replaced by a MAD MAN MUSLIM P.O.S. Barry.....

Can you tell me One Damn Thing this Government is Good at , that has good will behind it....The answer is a resounding NO....But they are MASTERFUL at Hate, Waste, Blame, Conning, Extorting & selling a MYTH....The Myth that we are Free, the Myth that they Care, the Myth that they Listen , the Myth that they are Accountable & the Myth that this is still a Republic...

Well that's a bunch of Horse Hockey....(EXCREMENT)....Actions speak louder than Words ....well, or they used too.....WHERE'S THE LOVE? Well the only things these Parasitical Humanoid-like Specimens ,LOVE are things like POWER, CONTROL, MONEY & MISERY.....

This Mythical Two-Party System has FAILED , every American, Black, Asian, Spanish & Even Blue-eyed Whites ....This is not a STATE of DENIAL....we are in a decent into the deepest, darkest abyss we will ever know...

Ask yourself this ,Do you really think the Clinton's or the Bush Families are the Answers to this countries LEADERSHIP PROBLEMS? I sure as hell don't....Our Goose is Being Cooked & we are TOO DAMN STUPID to realize we are the main course...And the MAITRE D' is the consortium of SOROS, BARRY & all the rest of the N.W.O. Boys....

Vote for whoever you like....no one will count it...no one cares...this is all now a LIE...

BURN it all down & start over...


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