Will there ever be a time when people start seeing this country as Not The Land Of Giants, but a Sinking....SHIP OF FOOLS...
Well time after time all we get is the same old story, a repackaged lie all for the same effect....To relentlessly GRIND your Will down so that you will relent to our FUHRER, this NWO COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT....
Barry & his Master George Soros & their newest Best Friend IRAN are trying to set the stage for our final act.....The Fall Of America....Now a land of Trained Monkeys, Idiots, Slaves & Prisoners...
Everyday all we see is Chaos & Anarchy.....and everyday all we here are lies & propaganda....And everyday for those FEW who remember , we lose more freedom...which is quite the contrary or opposite of the Illusion being Staged for our Benefit....Ha, Ha, Ha!   
Ask yourself this; what EXACTLY has this Government does for us lately that makes you want a redounding...YES, Too...Sorry but IMO...not one damn thing....To me the Optics & staging are obvious .....They are SETTING THE STAGE....for the last act, last page & our last Breath....
Another question for you; what is the true purpose of....
Gay marriage & Transgender protections....
Protecting MUSLIMS at any cost.....
Excoriating or Slandering Christianity
Calling every Blue,Green or whatever eyed Anglo a Racist 
Destroying whatever was left of the now dying Middle Class
Threatening to to take away our 2nd amendment rights  
Threatening to Finish off FREE SPEECH...
Threatening us daily with more TAXES & REGULATIONS
Threatening us with all their WAR MONGERING .... (Civil & Foreign)
Threatening to take all you have...as theirs....
There is only on answer: To PISS YOU OFF.....And because they can...
This Communist Government is in effect shoving & rubbing our noses in their excrement....
This is the CRUX , they either Want a CIVIL WAR or they want to scare us into submission.via.Behavior Modification.... 

The bad news is their Plan is WORKING....
The Bad news for them is I don't give a shit what that think...They'll have to kill my sorry ass before I'll serve them as slaves or prisoners...
WELL., WHEN THE FOOLS RUSH IN I'll take a couple with me to hell....


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