When one tries to figure out how it is we got into this DISMAL MESS in this country you have to look at the big picture & the road it took for us to get here.....
Little by little we lost a step on our goals ....And .little by little we lost the vision of what a Good Hard-Working American was....And little by little we got confused, we got bewildered, we lost direction & we lost our faith.....
It was almost as if the National Psyche was undermined by a Grand but SLOW PLAN.....A Coup d' e'tat of sorts....but not by Military Generals or Rebels....But by the EVIL that LUSTS for Power, Control & our Money....
How does the Circus, the Side-Show Barker or the CON weave his spell....It's all in the ART of the LIE.....They manipulate your own desires to sell you through an illusion something that you actually already have & you don't really need...They do it through your fears....They convinced us through a relentless 24/7 propaganda program that our Everyday Fears would become OUR OWN Personal NIGHTMARE....And for the young & unsuspecting they did it by Behavior Modification in Schools & in the Workplace....And Guess what the Answer was to EVERY Question Known to Mankind was.....Your Omnipresent Messianic Acting Communist Government....
Operation Mockingbird
Then the next step is all the Staging....The Government plants one False-Flag operation & story after another to get you to buy into the con....Think about it....The threats of Race Wars, the Threat of taking out Guns, The Threat of Class Warfare, The Assault on Religious Freedom, Slavery to Debt, Slavery to Meaningless Opulence, Narcissism & Threats of WAR...with MUSLIMS, RUSSIA, CHINA & the list goes on into infinity....But for WHOSE Gain....Those who sold you the CON are the only Winners....We lose, We lost, We were Stupid & we were BRAINWASHED into committing Suicide.....Like Monkey's running off a cliff...
Rules For Radicals
Isn't it time to put fear aside....in the end they will KILL every damn one of us who oppose them....They Know who we are & where we are....They listen in to every conversation we have, they have SPYWARE on our Computers....Screw the FEAR...take the BASTARDS OUT....They are not your BEST Damn FRIEND...We are & have been nothing but PAWNS in the Game I Call ...."OPERATION FEAR" its worked like a champ....We have a Few FREEDOMS left....use them or lose them....your call ...
Reichstag Fire
Cloward Piven Strategy
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