When are the people in this Screwed-up country & this Screwed-up World going to come to terms with the reality of what REALLY is at the heart of TODAY'S Violent Culture.....The EVIL in this world figured out a LONG, LONG time ago that the Best Way to Manipulate People is Through HATE....Jealousy....envy or selfishness....

I get SICK of all this Anti-Gun Garbage.....Hell you'd think Guns were at the root of all the way the Stupid, Ignorant , Brain-dead, Brain-washed & Programmed MASSES Acted....The Stupid Asses are too damn dumb to pull back the Curtain & see not only Who is Running the Show but what the "End Game" is....OUR END...

Ask yourself this what do you REALLY think is behind the PRO-MUSLIM & the ANTI-CHRISTIAN movement? What do you really think is behind Political Correctness ? What Do you think is really behind the PRO-Lesbian, Gay or Transsexual agenda?
What do you think is Behind the Race-Baiting? What do you think is behind the Class-Warfare (Rich man-Poor man) thing? And then ask yourself this....why is a Hedonistic Narcissistic behavior being TOLERATED much less being taught via Schools, Media & Families...or lack thereof?"The answer my friend is blowing in the wind" (B. Dylan)......HATE....

Who is really behind HATE? This GOVERNMENT & those who they WORK FOR...The Bate us with WORLD DOOM...with the MUSLIM PIGS....They Bate us with the FEAR of a RACE playing the BLACKS against the WHITES....And Police against anyone Black, Muslim & impoverished ....

AND WE WONDER WHY? There is workplace violence, school shootings and suicides.....And all this is because we have too many Guns....Perhaps we Hate Too much, Maybe we look for ANY Excuse not to accepts responsibility....we deny but decry others....Why, hell the way the Liberal Messiah acts you'd think GUNS had a MIND of their own....

I can just see it now....An"Insanity defense" because of a gun....Hell this seems like a Real Life Version of the "Twilight Zone" ....THE GUN made me do it....What a Pathetic Stupid Delusional World we now live in....SICK BASTARDS everywhere....And all we do is SHAKE our heads again & again....AND WONDER WHY? We allowed this SEPTIC TANK to OVERFLOW....I am ready to GIVE UP & THROW IN THE TOWEL ....You can't help those who don't want to help themselves....

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