It seems to me this CULTURE or this SOCIETY has come FULL CIRCLE....in the last 40-50 years....We've gone from the mantra of "Give Peace A Chance" to the LIBERAL one of, Give HATE A Chance"

It also seems to me all this DAMN Government does & its Propaganda wing the MEDIA is Sell us on the LIE that this HATE-FILLED UTOPIAN Vision is all a Bed of Roses, when in reality its full of Parasites, Cobra's and Skunks...

In the last 50 years we have LOST SIGHT of our Visions, our Goals, our Hearts & our True needs & wants....We've become Narcissistic, self-centered & unwilling or unable to Truly Solve Problems....

It starts with TRUE Leadership.....Once upon a TIME we had a FAMILY UNIT (where leadership started). And Once upon a Time we believed In GOD, Virtue & the Willingness to sacrifice for those you LOVED....

What's Wrong With This World, starts with the MESSAGES that we SEND with every breath we take ....This World as we know it will never be Nirvana, Heaven Or Prefect....If the Message is one of Love, Hope, Faith, Prayer & Awareness we have a CHANCE

If the Message is one of Hate, Envy, Fear, Hopelessness, Despair & GODLESSNESS we are DOOMED....Today's Message from ALL WORLD Leadership is Divisive & Hate Filled...Not one that's enlightening either....

This WORLD has NO CHANCE whatsoever of surviving with the MESSAGES we consume on a daily basis....The Message Starts in the Heart, The Family & the Church where we Once upon a Time found our REAL LEADERS....

Real Leaders have COURAGE, VISION , FAITH & They have GOD in their Heart...Today's leader's are Cowards & Sociopath's & they have HATE in their HEART....

We need a Total Revolution....One that STARTS in the Heart & Soul...Does this CULTURE have the COURAGE to really LIVE...I have my doubts...

WE ONCE HAD A DREAM...what we have now is a NIGHTMARE ...


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