We have developed one heck of a habit in this country of TALKING things to death...Crap we're big on Rhetorical Blathering but we fall short on action & substance....And as of late we've been examining, scrutinizing & trying to dissect (never to INSPECT) the Deal Of The Century, with Barry's new Best Friends & Valerie's , Camel Kissing , Goat & Sheep Humping Cousins the IRANIANS....
If I didn't know better I'd Swear this was a deal done at some Auction House where the Auction was all about Auctioning off AMERICA....Yea I know I'm a Natural Born Cynic & Doubting Thomas...Oh Well...
The Liberals who apparently believe Barry was a Gift from Mohammed via Immaculate Conception...(.Satin & a White Trash Whore) think this is a Blessing from GOD (who's God) & We PULLED of the Highest & Greatest Rated Show since, "Lets Make A Deal " went off the air....What a Nostalgic Thought.....Ah....Pause...
Ant any rate all the liberals claim we can Trust the Iranians.....Our Rhetorical QUEEN Leader BARRY says the AYATOLLAH Khamenei, gave him is word they wouldn't cheat....they both placed one hand on the Quran & one hand on a Goats Ass Kissed & made love.....All the while John Kerry watch & James Taylor played ."You've Got A Friend"....Damn isn't love GRAND...
This is my Thought from my ever-present Cynical Perch.....I know what EXACTLY what to believe insofar as the IRANIANS go...I can Trust them to eventually like a CANCER consume, infect & Destroy the World....I have no doubt about that...But Who In the WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS can TRUST one Damn thing this Government & Barry Mohamed Hussein Says, Farts or Belches...NOT ME...
SO, WHO DO YOU TRUST? Well in the Words of Bob Dylan, "You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows"....And it has the STENCH of DEATH in it...…/
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