Department of Education Instrumental in the Islamization of Public Schools

The United States Department of Education has developed an Islamic indoctrination program for public schools called, 'Access Islam.' The lesson plans are written for grades 5 through 12. They include worksheets and videos to help students perform the 5 Pillars of Islam - prayer, fasting, alms giving, pilgrimage to Mecca and the proclamation of Muslim faith.

 Pro-Islam Lessons Found in All Grades in Public Schools
The taxpayer-supported Department of Education (DOE) is funding an Islamic indoctrination program in America’s public schools in grades 5 through 12, Christian Action Network has learned.

Students are taught to learn Islamic scripture, give the meaning of that Islamic verse, and explain how they can use it in their daily lives.

“How can this be anything other than indoctrination?” said Martin Mawyer, president and founder of Christian Action Network (CAN).
The DOE offers no similar lesson plans for Christianity, Mawyer added. “There is absolutely no balance in the curricula offered. Only Islam is given a full course of study.”

"Access Islam," from the PBS web site, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

The Islamic education program, funded by the DOE, is primarily disseminated through PBS LearningMedia and the Educational Broadcasting Corporation.

The curriculum is called “Access Islam" and includes such lessons as:
The Five Pillars of Islam, in which students in grades 5 through 12 explore and understand the basic beliefs of Islam, as well as “the Five Pillars that guide Muslims in their daily life … students will create posters about the Five Pillars for classroom display.” Students also learn the proclamation of Islamic faith -- which is akin to learning the Christian "prayer of salvation." (More information here)

The U.S. Department of Education's funding of an Islamic indoctrination curricula is the topic of a new video produced by Christian Action Network.

Salat: Prayer in Muslim Life, in which students in grades 5 through 12 learn “the importance of the Quran in daily worship.” The students are asked, “What do you see and hear when Muslims pray? How do the words sound? What is the purpose of praying five times a day?” (More information here)
Quran: Sacred Scripture of Islam, in which students in grades four to six are taught that the Quran “is considered the word of Allah." Students must review quotes from the Quran and Hadith. They must then to present one of the Islamic quotes to the teacher and "describe the passages practical application…” (More information here)

“Can anyone imagine The Lord’s Prayer recited in a classroom?" asked Mawyer. "Or students taught that the Bible is the inspired, infallible final Word of God? Or displaying the Christian cross in the school classroom? Or lesson plans that encourage students to pray to Jesus Christ? It’s out of the question! Christ, the Bible, the cross and Christian prayer were thrown out our public schools decades ago.

In one DOE funded video, students are introduced to a man who has converted from Christianity to Islam. The Muslim man tells students that Islam "is the true worship of God." The man then instructs children to "submit yourself" to Allah.

Mawyer said he was so shocked when he learned that the Islamic curriculum was funded by the DOE that his organization fired off a legal “Letter of Demand” to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos demanding that the Islamic program be defunded and removed from access to the public schools of America.

In the Five Pillars of Islam lesson plan, students are told to "focus on learning about the core duties of Muslims" and to "read about what it means to proclaim faith or belief as a Muslim."

“As I scanned through the information online, it became obvious to me that the material is much more like a Sunday School lesson plan than a proper educational lesson on Islam,” said Mawyer. “These lessons are teaching our children and grandchildren how to be, act and live like Muslims. It’s outrageous! And every Christian and Jewish parent in America should be appalled at how our children are being indoctrinated into the Islamic belief system and lifestyle.”

Students are taught in detail how to pray like a Muslim in the lesson plan “Salat: Prayer in Muslim Life.” The lesson plan includes prayers that can be recited by students, descriptions of how and when to pray, and refers students to the web site “” to get more information about Islamic prayer times around the world.

In this same study students are told to memorize the following prayer from Quran 96:1-5:

“In the name of thy lord who created man from a clot. And thy lord is the most generous who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not.”

Mawyer noted that students are NOT taught that Jesus is Lord, but they DO learn that Allah is God.

Preview for CAN's latest film "Islam In The Schools A Quick Look". To order the full version and learn more about this topic visit us at

“I am calling on all Americans to demand the Department of Education dump this program,” said Mawyer. “This is an outrageous abuse of our taxpayer dollars, and an affront to the rights of parents to teach their children the religion of their choice.”

As well as the DOE video, CAN has also released a video that takes a broader look at Islam in the Schools. It can be viewed here.

Download Christian Action Network's letter of demand to the Department of Education here.

Canada Lost?
Peel student told, “God loves only Muslims”; computer lab becomes mini-mosque Peel student told, “God loves only Muslims”; computer lab becomes mini-mosque last week I ran an explosive video of a school board (A must see underlined comment mine) meeting where parents almost riot when their opposition against Muslim prayers in the school is ignored. There should be no religion in the schools. These parents are at a boiling point — and I predict you’ll be seeing more of this pushback. It’s long overdue. After months of being ignored, these parents lost it.

A lot more is coming to light after GR shined a light on this.


Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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