I honestly can't speak for anyone else, but I trust the Washington DC Government ( both wings of the Communist Party) about as much as being in a Room Full of Copperheads, Rattlers, Cobras and Skunks & expecting not to either be BITTEN or come out with a Unworldly Stench or Smell covering me you could Smell on MARS....But the more I see the Blatant BIASED Attempts to cover the TRACKS & TRAVELS of the MISDEEDS of this GOVERNMENT the more I figure they are Trying to HIDE......

We go from one Fiasco to another & no one bats an EYE, WHY? OBAMACARE was a Failure just Waiting for its MOMENT to FAIL, and it is.......The Fake RED LINE in Syria was just another Bad International Joke, but no one talks about it....Other Countries Laugh at America's MUSLIM PRINCESS BARRY'S "Pussyness" & meanwhile "Back at the Ranch" in Washington , New York City & L.A. No one can EVER Dare Question her Highness BARRY'S Vision (LSD, Weed or Cocaine) about WORLD Views....The Messiahs EGO couldn't handle it...Come on now at least a FEW of us know that's just the TIP of the ICEBERG that Sunk the Titanic (USS AMERICA)...Every Employment number released is DOCTORED to make the OPTICS look better....Including Poverty Figures, National Debt & oh yea the VISION of UTOPIA this LIBERAL COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT as induced with Drugs, Bribery (WELFARE), Extortion, Education or Lack of it....But in reality it's really much closer to MILTON'S, "Paradise Lost".....Except it was just a CON-GAME or FRAUD the whole Time....

Well let me introduce you from STAGE very LEFT , Hillary & William Clinton.....Wasn't once enough? Didn't we learn that in all their years, times & travels in Arkansas much less the WHITE HOUSE that all they would do is ultimately cause Destruction, Chaos & Anarchy as they Lied, Robbed, Pillaged,Plundered & Squandered Money on their "Pursuit of Perversion " ..They say "the Road To Hell Is Lined With Good Intentions"...having said that, there are NO good intentions here....Its all Fraud, a Scam & a Ponsi Scheme ...And because they are now considered "Media Royalty" they Skate on everything....they are UNTOUCHABLE....

WASHINGTON DC is in essence just a CRIME FAMILY....It is a Power Game, it's Who you Know, It's what you Know about your ENEMIES .....There are no Real Friendships, but they are all "Brother's In Crime" ....Judges are very often "Political Appointments"....Political Parties {political Pacs), Foundations & Unions serve the same Function these days...They are actually nothing more than "MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS"....AL CAPONE eat your heart out....Because Money equals POWER.....

Anyone who has a facsimile or a particulate of a BRAIN (yellow matter) left knows this....HILLARY works for the SOROS/ROTHSCHILD NEW WORLD ORDER , as does OBAMA & at least 98% of this Communist Government...She will not ONLY , continue with the Destruction of this Country, she will be Handsomely Paid for it too.....The Reason the CLINTON'S continue to Skate, Walk & Escape any BLAME is because Everyone in WASHINGTON DC (98%) is in on the SCAM.....

The UGLY Reality is this AMERICAN GOVERNMENT is just as CORRUPT as CUBA, KENYA, VENEZUELA, ECUADOR or any other "Third World Dictatorship" you can think of.....Butch Cassidy & The Sun Dance Kid had the Whole in the Wall Gang & later we had versions f the MAFIA.....What in the___,Never-mind would you call the Thieving Bastards in Washington DC? Well they aren't & they never were your Friend, your Buddy, your Family & they certainly aren't the "Messianic Disciples From GOD (SATAN) that they pass themselves off as being....


The Part that BOTHERS me the most is the Blatant IGNORANCE I see displayed in or with every Frame, every Second & every Breath I take....You Don't have to be a Brain Scientist to know SOMETHING is Very Wrong here...There is a couple of old BOB DYLAN Lines that seem apropos here, "You see something happening here but you don't know just what it is" & another one "You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind Blows"....I grew up on a Farm & I watched my Mother & my Grand Mother "ring the Heads off of a Chickens Neck" for food....They run ,Flop & run in circles till they DIE....They Don't understand they are Dead....Are we?

This country (America) is very sick & dying IMO.....Do you HONESTY think you can VOTE all the Cancerous Corruption out of WASHINGTON, I for one DO NOT!....It might by time, but that's about all it will do , at its best....If you AREN'T willing to do the Heavy Lifting & yes even be willing to SPILL BLOOD (even your Own) it will Never Happen....FEAR & APATHY has taken its TOLL & will continue to until its time to PAY THE PIPER....But the TRUTH was "HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT" the whole time, we just pretended to look the other way....."THE DAY OF RECKONING APPROACHES!"..

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