AMERICAN PATRIOTS SERIES-41 : The king's rule of law
This Is a ongoing series of Letters,Essays,and Opinions that you my Patriotic friends want to share with your friends and countrymen .This is your Last Stand my friends.
Where freedom of speech is not stifled,
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Condemned !!!
What is a true and genuine American Patriot; what are the components?
An American patriot would deeply love our country and faithfully participate in the political process, which requires study to become knowledgeable and well-informed to make the best choices that conform to our constitutional boundaries. Holding to the standards established by the Declaration and Constitution is a really important part of it because our identity as a people and nation ...was formed and developed from them. All of our American values were birthed from our Biblical foundation which permeated all aspects of society from the education and the arts to law and government, reaching from the lowest economic places to the highest levels of achievement and everything in between.
We're all grateful for the patriots we've been privileged to know.
Does anybody know or understand why the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were written ?
Well they were written and designed to stop any king's rule of law that a king or dictator or a monarchy which would try to establish in United States of America to replace freedoms and liberties of the citizens of United States of America .
you're probably saying to yourself I'd never heard of the king's rule of law? Well the king's rule of law is known by another name, it's called or recognized by a phrase, it started out with, Fornication Under Control the King , if you write down the first letter that I capitalized which there are four you will see that it spells a word that we all identify with something perverse or something that describes anger, but this king's rule of law encompasses much more, it also stands for food, farms, forest ( and everything that grows in the forest or lives in the forest ) finances, friends, faith, firearms, and one really extreme rule of law, it's called , Freedoms Under Control the King !!!
You see the founding fathers recognized this king's rule of law because they were involved in standing up against it and trying to negotiate with the King to try to make it easier for the citizens to survive, Of course to no avail, and try to stop the King from randomly killing and raping the citizens, because these people lived in a time were this happened all the time, and of course to King and his men would murder people at random, because they were outspoken, because they were leaving mobs against the King.
Now the king had to create this rule of law, because the king was afraid that the servants in the peasants who provided all of the services for the king's family would outnumber them and remove the King and his family from power, while the founding fathers knowing and having different knowledge than the people do today, seen the opportunity a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a place on earth were men could be free, and oasis for all people who wish to be free and have liberties to follow their dreams and live their lives in peace, so they seize this moment in time to remove the king's rule of law from North America, and create the United States of America !!!.
In the early part of the United States of America, large families and corporations dictated the rules and laws of our country, and it was adequate and the country grew, But the foreign governments never took their eye off of the people of United States of America, the King's from all the lands all over the world keep a close eye on this nation, and they found out by watching the corruption that took place within this country by the corporations, that they could take over this country the same way the corporations did, so they applied to same techniques by inserting their politicians into the political arena, to undermine the stability and prosperity of the United States of America, to start all over again another war within this country, of the people, and between the elitist who work for establish kingdoms from over the world.
Can you live on to this king's rule of law, or the King decides how much food you have or get, how many children you can have, what you can own and what you can say, can you live this way after tasting the fruits of freedom ??? Can you live with yourself giving up this nation of freemen, that your children and grandchildren will never know ???
This message may never get out, and may never be shared, but if you believe in freedoms and liberties, if you believe in we the people and in the Constitution of United States of America and the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence, then you owe it to yourself your children , your family and all of those who sacrificed so much before you, to defend these things that are sacred and so precious to so many, this is our time in history to defend the things that defined us as a people, or we will be erased from history, like so many other stories in human history.
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