The Patriots Daily Bites of American History Series 29 :From George Washington’s Journal




The Patriots Daily Bites of American History Series # 29
 by Gregory Dixon...US History 1956 

From George Washington’s Journal recopied by Steven Reese, Shelter Rock Ministries...”Battle Cry!

” Almighty God and most merciful Father who did command the children of Israel to offer a daily sacrifice of praise to Thee that they might glorify Thee for Thy protection both night and day. Receive, O Lord, my morning sacrifice I offer to Thee. I yield Thee my humble and hearty thanks that thou hast preserved me from the danger of the nights past and brought me to the light of this day and the comforts thereof. 

A day which is consecrated to Thine own service and for Thine own honor. Let my heart be so affected with the glory and majesty of it that I may not do my own works but wait on Thee and discharge these weighty duties required of me. Since Thou art a God of pure eyes and will be sanctified in all who draw near to Thee, who does not regard the sacrifice of fools, nor hear sinners who tread in Thy courts, pardon, I beseech Thee, my sins.

Remove them far from Thy presence, as far as from the east to the west and accept of me for Thy merits of Thy Son Jesus Christ that when I come into Thy temple and compass Thine altar my prayer may come before Thee as incense and as You hear me calling upon You in my prayer, so give me grace to hear Thee calling upon me in Thy Word that it may be wisdom, righteousness, reconciliation and peace to the saving of the soul in the day of the Lord Jesus. 

Grant that I may hear it with reverence, receive it with meekness and mingle it with faith that it may accomplish in me, Gracious God, the good work for which Thou hast sent it. Bless my family, kindred, friends and Country. Be our God and guide for this day and forever. For His sake who lay down in the grave and rose again for us. Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites of History Series

(to be continued)
Tidbits about the Constitutionalists by a veteran Thomas Hughes:

In case You Missed our Constitution series or just want to Refresher ,we have the complete series below. 

There is Nothing Wrong with the Constitution it's the people we elected to uphold their oaths ,That are the Problems .

This my friends is where all our hopes and dreams ,Freedoms ,Liberties were formed some 240 years ago ,by a group of men with foresight to see way down the road for what is today. The Greatest Country in the World,And Still Is,as long as WE THE PEOPLE STAND UP FOR OUR FREEDOMS 

or the complete list of Constitution Bites>>>>Here

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