The Patriots Daily Bites of American History Series Preview :The Impact of the Great Awakening




The Impact of the Great Awakening

Daily Bites of the American Revolution.
American Obedience and disobedience to the Word of God: by Bob Cosby and Gregory Dixon page 56 2nd and 3rd paragraph:

The real impact of the Great Awakening was on the government of the new nation. The colonies had been struggling for more than 100 years to try to find a government that was Biblical and just. They had tried to do so through the concept that the State was ordained by God to make people do right. But the emphasis of the Great Awakening was to individual relationships with God and when they saw themselves spiritually answering directly to God it changed everything about their lives, including their relationship to the government.
From this time and forward the people of the colonies would never see themselves the way they had seen themselves and they would never again see the world the way they had always seen it. 

In due time the revival of the Great Awakening would lead to the Revolutionary War. It was the Great Awakening that would define the Revolutionary war and make it different from the French Revolution or any of the other government upheavals taking place in that day. the British Mercantile system was a wicked system that enslaved the souls of men. The government it spawned with the King of England and Parliament was a failed government, incapable of governing godly people. The Puritans had tried to purify the system but had failed, and now there was only one place to go and that was to separate from it.

Resolved that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States: Motion made in the Continental Congress in Philadelphia June 7.1776 by richard Henry Lee of Virginia and seconded by John Adams of Massachusetts.

The War for Independence 1763 to 1789:

paragraph 1 American Commerce: How the New King George 111 interfered with trade: by Gregory Dixon and Bob Cosby: Up to the close of the war by which England had compelled the French to give up their hold on America the people of this country had prospered. During the war and for a long time before it, the laws which forbade the colonists to trade with any country except Great Britain had not been enforced. 

The result was that the New Englanders had made a great deal of money by trading with the French and Spanish West Indies sending them lumber and fish and bringing back molasses and sugar from the French Islanders and bags of silver dollars from the Spaniards. Now all this profitable commerce was to stop when the New King George 1 had come to the throne in England 1760. he was conscientious, narrow minded, obstinate and crazy at times. 

The new government was determined that the old laws be carried out. Ships of war were stationed along the American coast to stop free trade with the French and the Spaniards. In Boston and other large towns the King’s officers armed with warrants called “writs of assistance” began to break into men’s houses and shops and search them for smuggled goods. They did not ask for proof of guilt. They entered and searched when and where they pleased. In an ordinary search warrant the person applying to the magistrate for it must swear that he has good reason for suspecting the person he accuses and must have his name and no other inserted by the magistrate on the warrant. In the case of the writs of assistance it was entirely different. The officers wrote any name they pleased in the warrant and then entered and rummaged the man’s house from attic to cellar.

The Stamp Act: 

The King and his friends and many others thought the Americans were like lambs and that they would stand any amount of shearing without once showing their teeth. Accordingly, Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765. That act required that the colonists should use stamps on all important business papers and also on pamphlets and newspapers. The stamps cost from half of a penny all the way up to ten pounds. (fifty dollars) Such a law. if enforced, would tax everybody in spite of himself for everyone would have to pay that tax when he bought a newspaper or an almanac, took out an insurance policy on his house or made his will. Resistance of the colonies: 

Benjamin Franklin who was in London as an agent for the colonies fought against it with all his might, but as he said, he might as well have tried to stop the sun from setting. In Boston, Samuel Adams, the father of the Revolution denounced the Act at a Toen Meeting held at Fanuiel Hall (The Cradle of Liberty) as it was called.

 The law passed and the colonists reached the news in 1765. Then the indignation of the people blazed out in an unmistakable manner. In Virginia, Patrick Henry, in a speech before the Virginia assembly fired all hearts by his eloquence. James Otis had already declared that “Taxation without representation” is tyranny! Delegates from nine of the colonies met in New York to protest against the Stamp Act. When the hated stamps came the people destroyed them. Even the boys shouted, “Liberty! Property and no stamps! 

 Repeal of the Stamp Act; the Declaratory Act:

 The Boston Massacre: Destruction of the Gaspee: Temple Baptist College Rev Gregory Dixon
When news of these vigorous proceedings reached London, William Pitt said in Parliament, “This Kingdom has no right to laya tax on these colonies. I rejoice that America has resisted.” The Stamp Act was speedily repealed (1766) much to the delight of many people in England as well as of the colonists. Parliament however put a sting in its repeal for it passed a Declaratory Act maintaining that the British Government had the right to bind the colonies “in all cases whatsoever” (hmmm...sounds familiar to Amendment 16)
At the time the Americans did not see the full force of that declaration. they saw it when the king sent troops to be quartered here at the expense of the people. New York promptly refused to pay the bill. Later, General Gage, the British Commander of New York was sent with two regiments to Boston (1768). These troops were quartered in the very center of the town. They had frequent quarrels with the citizens. 

Finally (1770) a fight occurred in which the soldiers fired in self defense and killed several of the people. This was called the Boston Massacre. The soldiers were tried for murder and John Adams and Josiah Quincy Jr. of Boston defended them. All but two were acquitted. they were convicted of manslaughter and branded in the hand in open court. The citizens never forgot or forgave the Blood stains then made on the snow of King Street. Later that feeling showed itself in the destruction by the Rhode Islanders of the Gaspee, an armed British vessel stationed off the coast to prevent smuggling.

(Repeal of the Stamp Act: The Declatory Act! The Boston Massacre: Destruction of the GaspeeThe New Taxes: The Boston Tea Party to be continued in our new Series coming soon look for it at the end of february 

The Patriots Daily Bites of American History Series 1

To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites of History Series

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