Daily Bites of the Constitution 23-Changes in the Constitution
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Daily Bites of the Constitution of the United States
Reads From the Constitution in the Department of State's:
We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America. Article 1 legislative department: Section 1” Congress legislative powers vested: All legislative powers herein granted (by the people) shall be vested in a congress of the United States which shall consist of a senate and a house of representatives (for the people)
United States Constitution
Changes in the Constitution:
Changes in the Constitution:
World Illustrated Encyclopedia page 1394-97
The writers of the Constitution divided the government into three branches.
1. Congress which represents the people and makes the laws.
2. The executive branch: The president who carries out the laws and sees they are enforced.
3. The judiciary or supreme court.
The supreme court was to be the final judge between any differences between states and national government. This three part division is called the separation of powers but each division is supposed to check up on the others. For example, the president can veto any bill passed in congress but congress may pass the bill again but this time two thirds of both houses must pass it. Only a majority (one more than half) must pass a bill the president wants passed.
The supreme court has the right to check up on congress. If congress passes a law the supreme court has the right to declare it unconstitutional or illegal. Congress has the right to check up on any federal officers; even the president. If congress thinks the president or some other federal official is guilty of a crime against the United States congress can remove him from office. It is amazing that the Constitution of the United States has lasted so well.
However, it has been changed to meet the needs of the modern world. There are several ways in which these changes are made. One of them is by means of the elastic clause. Congress has the power to do certain stated things. It also has the power to pass any laws that are necessary for carrying out some of the stated powers. For example: Congress has the power to set up post offices and courts.
This is a stated power but congress also has the power to take land for public purposes. THIS IS AN IMPLIED POWER! THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT SAY THAT CONGRESS MAY TAKE LAND BUT CONGRESS MAY BE PERMITTED TO PAY FOR LAND BY OWNER TO SET UP PUBLIC BUILDINGS. the Constitution has also been changed by Amendments. This is hard to do but has been done several times. Three fourths of the States and two thirds of both Senate and House of representatives must agree to an Amendment. It took 50 years to bring about an Amendment allowing women to vote. Sometimes the Constitution changes without any written Amendment or implied powers.
This is shown by the way in which a president is selected. The president is chosen by the Electoral College which is made up of men from each State. Originally these men did not have to vote for any particular candidate. they could choose the candidate they wanted no matter who the people in their State may have voted for. Voters in a presidential election still vote for the men who will be members of the Electoral College but they know these men will vote for the candidate the people of the State choose (as of 1954).
There is no Constitutional Amendment for this change. It has simply happened in the course of history. (end of World Illustrated Encyclopedia reference to the Constitutional changes)
The Importance of a Moral Society
2. The executive branch: The president who carries out the laws and sees they are enforced.
3. The judiciary or supreme court.
The supreme court was to be the final judge between any differences between states and national government. This three part division is called the separation of powers but each division is supposed to check up on the others. For example, the president can veto any bill passed in congress but congress may pass the bill again but this time two thirds of both houses must pass it. Only a majority (one more than half) must pass a bill the president wants passed.
The supreme court has the right to check up on congress. If congress passes a law the supreme court has the right to declare it unconstitutional or illegal. Congress has the right to check up on any federal officers; even the president. If congress thinks the president or some other federal official is guilty of a crime against the United States congress can remove him from office. It is amazing that the Constitution of the United States has lasted so well.
However, it has been changed to meet the needs of the modern world. There are several ways in which these changes are made. One of them is by means of the elastic clause. Congress has the power to do certain stated things. It also has the power to pass any laws that are necessary for carrying out some of the stated powers. For example: Congress has the power to set up post offices and courts.
This is a stated power but congress also has the power to take land for public purposes. THIS IS AN IMPLIED POWER! THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT SAY THAT CONGRESS MAY TAKE LAND BUT CONGRESS MAY BE PERMITTED TO PAY FOR LAND BY OWNER TO SET UP PUBLIC BUILDINGS. the Constitution has also been changed by Amendments. This is hard to do but has been done several times. Three fourths of the States and two thirds of both Senate and House of representatives must agree to an Amendment. It took 50 years to bring about an Amendment allowing women to vote. Sometimes the Constitution changes without any written Amendment or implied powers.
This is shown by the way in which a president is selected. The president is chosen by the Electoral College which is made up of men from each State. Originally these men did not have to vote for any particular candidate. they could choose the candidate they wanted no matter who the people in their State may have voted for. Voters in a presidential election still vote for the men who will be members of the Electoral College but they know these men will vote for the candidate the people of the State choose (as of 1954).
There is no Constitutional Amendment for this change. It has simply happened in the course of history. (end of World Illustrated Encyclopedia reference to the Constitutional changes)
Full text of the Constitution of the
United States Audiobook. This free Constitution of the United States Audiobook produced by http://www.librivox.org, and all Librivox audiobook recordings are free, in the public domain.
United States Audiobook. This free Constitution of the United States Audiobook produced by http://www.librivox.org, and all Librivox audiobook recordings are free, in the public domain.
The Importance of a Moral Society
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Thomas Paine
published anonymously on Jan. 10, 1776
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