The Old and the New Democratic party :

 Is Bernie Sanders Calling “sister Hillary ,” A ??

Bernie Sanders highlights a critical division within the Democratic party

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) speaks at a rally in Cleveland on Monday.

Democratic debate, Austen herself was invoked by philosopher Cornel West, standing in for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and jabbing at the woman he called“sister Hillary,” with her “lip service” to progressive causes.

“My question for Hillary Clinton is what I would call the Jane Austen challenge,” West said. Austen “talked about ‘constancy,’ ” he noted, making what is surely the first reference in the history of the Iowa caucuses to Fanny Price, the prim heroine of “Mansfield Park.”

“And what is constancy,” West continued, stretching out the sibilant syllables with his preacherly delivery, “but a willingness to act for integrity, sustain moral engagement and always subordinating political calculation to deep conviction?”

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