by Robby Bowling

My Question of the day! Is there anything LEFT in Washington D.C. That is worth Salvaging ? There was a Movie made years ago from a Book, "THEY SHOOT HORSES DON'T THEY" ....WELL? Isn't is about time we recognized the Cancer via the Pathogen of GREED & the Need to CONTROL all of us....has run the course....It is tine to put this EVIL MONSTER out of it's misery & start living a REAL & MEANINGFUL LIFE again.....If you remember one that centered around God, Love, Kindness & Respect....

The congregation that many Pastors talk about aren't really inside the Walls of a CHURCH built of Stone..The members of that congregation are truly the extensions of oneself....your Family, your Friends & those for whom you love.....

The life we are living in present day America as a society is one of Jealousy,Envy, Greed & HATE...which has lead to the most Narcissistic, Delusional , Parasitic & Pathetically SICK Culture this World will ever know.We no longer even have the capacity to Agree to Disagree, much less Forgive...It seems all we do is PUNISH ....ask yourself why?
This Useless Government is FULL of the same type of Mentality that Hitler, Stalin, Marx, Lenin & Mussolini had......HATE....Ask yourself this; Why can't the different Cultures of this World GET ALONG & have PEACEFUL Meaningful relationships?.....

"The Answer My Friend is Blowin In The Wind"....These GOVERNMENTS...ALL of them CAN'T Ever allow that to happen....HATE IS A FOUR LETTER WORD.....it starts at the Top & is Passed down & around ...its used to destroy, to kill, to control everything you are or will ever be....Your Dreams, your passions, your zest, your zeal , your Faith & your Prayers....through FEAR which produces the HATE that is & has devoured AMERICA...

IMO you can't FIX or CURE something that is this far gone....the carcinogen has SPREAD to the BRAIN....and there is NO CURE for that type of CANCER....

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