These are my thoughts, feel free to disagree or not..... This is an Indictment of the WHOLE System....both Parties & the corruption....But there is a PARTY in POWER...I will start with them..
Life is about LEARNING Knowledge, the mind teaches the Hands which in turn shows us how to build homes, build farms, build families, build communities & builds cities.....we make our life out of the Effort it took to learn & apply that knowledge....And it takes Mothers, Fathers, Teachers & Preachers to round out that VISION.....And then I turn & look at's AMERICA.....Then I turn & look at The RUINS of WASHINGTON DC....The Rubble, the Filth, the Poverty and the IGNORANCE....Now I'm starting to think about the LAST 24 Years....what do I see, what do I hear ,what are we learning (if anything) what is the MESSAGE....

I have been around the block more than once & I am not naive about what is going on all around this world. The LAST 24 Years of Politics in WASHINGTON DC rival no other except perhaps the Aftermath of the CIVIL WAR...This is what I have learned that the Democrats AKA the Liberals AKA Communists their only MESSAGE & the only unifying Theme they Embrace can be SUMMED up in one word; "HATE"..... It is their only motivation....Once we were Taught to Love our FELLOW MAN.....Now all we are taught is HATE....HATE has consumed this country to the point that I personally don't think this CULTURE,SOCIETY or COUNTRY will ever have the capacity nor the will to recover from ....

It takes a REAL MAN to stand up to the venomous HATE that's spread like a DRUG throughout the World , let alone AMERICA.....It takes even a BETTER MAN than that to lead with ACTIONS as welt as WORDS to offset the Prevailing Dark Clouds of HATRED & EVIL as they approach us like the Center of a Hurricane...I DO NOT See that type of OLD SCHOOL Leadership anymore....Hell, is it dead or is it just not Fashionable or cool....Were we not once taught to be our own man, make our own way, learn our own lessons, live our own lives & do our best not infringe our world upon others that are still learning....Its the old "Give them Space" to learn & Live....But you see that way REQUIRES a seldom used word..."RESPONSIBILITY "......It also requires a THOUGHT Process.....And those are a Couple of terms or words that PEOPLE OF POWER do not want you to EVER understand....

So rather than Empowering this Society with Truth ,Knowledge & LOVE as tools to build a life, they sell HATE, DIVIDE, ENVY, JEALOUSY, GREED & LUST.....But lets be honest here ..they sell all the HATE & More because it is the ONLY THING THEY KNOW or UNDERSTAND.....It has Consumed their minds, bodies & souls with a CANCER only SATAN Himself can understand.....because it is the PART of him he gave to them....It has now spread throughout AMERICA & the World....And it is still growing....

Most of today's culture is cowardly & lazy , we are doomed without LEADERSHIP....otherwise this SHIP OF FOOLS will sink....It does start with the man or woman in the MIRROR...the change starts in the heart...I don't know if we have what it takes anymore....but not trying will be essentially Death or Suicide.....This was once a Republic, that it is not anymore, we now have a Ruling Class, an Oligarchy, Royalty, a Dictatorship calling all the shots, running the Cameras, writing the Scripts & Building a Stage...or is it really a Prison or a Death Chamber....

I hate to say it, but I am ashamed of what AMERICA has become...

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