As the old saying goes something's change & something's never change... It's just the same old crap over & over again...those in the military know it as SNAFU.....Isn't there a POINT in Time when as a Parent, as a Good Friend as someone with at least a penance, a smidgen of knowledge willing to do the TOUGH LOVE thing with your Spoiled Child,Puppy, Cat or MONKEY that when they GO beyond what is "REASONABLE" (whatever the. Crap that means anymore) that you SHAME or PUNISH to TEACH them a know its that " teaching defining moment" thing...Your puppy "poops' in the floor you may their nose in it & scold them....If your child does it you try to encourage them to do better by encouragement as well as shaming or embarrassing them.....EITHER WAY its a BEHAVIOR DON'T Reward BAD BEHAVIOR, or you shouldn't or you'll pay a heaver PRICE later...

But Wait, that's all we do anymore...we REWARD Bad Behavior everyday.....And then you wonder what in the hell you'll do to teach your SPOILED BRAT, PUPPY OR CONGRESSMAN a new Better Behavior....Well AMERICANS are now LAZY...and have learned the EASIEST thing to do is (drum roll please) is NOTHING AT ALL ( cymbals crash)....Is this what Robert Heinlein was referring to as "CATCH 22" AKA "Damned If You Do & Damned If You Don't" .....

It would seem to me that Political Theater has either returned to its ROOTS of CHILD'S PLAY or the Narcissist Sociopaths never GREW UP.....Last Night & today as I speak we had the AMERICAN COMMUNIST PARTY (DNC) STAGING a Fake , Faux, Phony Protest, Sit-In, Strike, Temper Tantrum or LOOK AT ME ORGY for the WHOLE WORLD to see, watch & laugh at .....WOW, what a DAMN Lesson of DEMOCRACY in action, what an example to show & use to Teach your now Brainless Programmed Public.....What maybe FDR said it best...."A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY"..... LET'S be honest here, wouldn't these Idiots Parents, Friends & loved ones be PROUD of them now.....Wouldn't Saul Alinsky , the man who wrote "RULES FOR RADICALS" be proud of his little Communist Love Children....And for those who don't KNOW ....our resident FAGGOT IN CHIEF BARRY loved the mans books.....HILLARY who has been in an internship for BARRY'S job the Last 7 years wrote a Graduating THESIS about the man...
Lets be honest here, it is literally a "Monkey See, Monkey Do" world we live in.....And all of these Street Urchins we call Congressmen are using, copying, repeating or mimicking the SAME BEHAVIOR that the Thin-Skinned Arrogant, Narcissistic Pathogen we call "Obama"does & has done everyday he has spent as the Leader of the COWARDS of this Country....Hell I'm just surprised he didn't get John Kerry & his buddy James Taylor to sing a duet of,"You've Got A Friend" live from the floor, cameras rolling....then they could do an encore with the song, "HOW SWEET IS IS TO BE LOVED BY YOU" while BARRY THE FAIRY walks out & Threatens to "HOLD HIS BREATH" till he/ they get all the guns..... 

Oh Lord, what would we do without all this STAGED Melodrama .... MEANWHILE THE CHILDREN ARE PLAYING..."Ring Around The Rosie" on the Not-So-Merry-Go Round....I've seen this movie before....IT SUCKS BIG TIME....There's a new Episode coming tomorrow , watch if you dare, the suspense & anti-climax will get you every time.....Then the Offering plate will come around & this government will not only ask you for your GUNS, they will ask you for what's left of your FREEDOMS and then your life....

You know to look at our CONGRESS & to even SUGGEST we Evolved from the GREAT APES, is offensive to all of the APE Family....Pardon..

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