Daily Bits...Check out your Reps:This Month York County,Pa 4/04/16

Representative Stanley Saylor 94th legislative district, winter 2016 

Thank you for visiting my online office. Please fill out the form below to contact me on any state-related issue. Or, if you prefer, refer to my office information below to call or visit me. My staff and I are happy to help.


Pennsylvania had no budget for 2015.Governor Wolf asks for $3 Billion in new taxes. Where do these new taxes go? $500 million would go to education and most to Philadelphia schools and the remaining 2.5 billion would go to increase welfare spending while York County property taxes continue to rise. 

Line item vetoes in the state Budget: Cuts from proposed budget: 3.15 billion from preK Basic education funding. This is the largest cut any governor (before Gov. Wolf) has ever made to the portion of the Commonwealth’s General Fund budget that goes to school districts. $10.5 million cut by Wolf to eliminate jobs training and education programs: Mobile science and math education.

 $10.8 million cut for Pennsylvania Community Colleges. $20.6 million cut for 14 Pennsylvania State Owned Universities. $56.9 million cut in grants to help Pennsylvania students pay for higher education. $112,000 cut for increase for higher education for the disadvantaged. $102,000 cut for preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. $600,000 cut for cancer research and treatment. ALL FUNDING FOR LUPUS RESEARCH CUT! $714,000 cut from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Poison Control Center and the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh’s Poison Control Center. $561,000 cut for those suffering from epilepsy.

 $6 million cut for hepatitis and cancer research. $153,000 cut for children and adults diagnosed with tourette syndrome. $357,000 cut for individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis (ALS) ALL FUNDING CUT FOR OBSTETRIC AND NEONATAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES FOR LOW INCOME WOMEN! ALL FUNDING CUT FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL BURN CENTERS.!!! ALL FUNDING CUT FOR CRITICAL ACCESS HOSPITALS! (these are generally small rural hospitals.)

If you disagree with these cuts made by Governor Wolf I urge you to contact his office and let him know your thoughts.

You may contact Governor Wolf at 717 787 2500. You can also send a letter to Governor’s Correspondence Office, 508 Main Capitol Bldg., Harrisburg, PA 17120

Pearl Leona Sturgis

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