by Robby Bowling

Where else but in the New American Socialist Republic could you Find a Muslim Communist for POTUS...And rather than Protect the Nation of Abundantly Stupid FOOLS...He Protects the Faggots, the Lesbians, the Transsexuals while defaming , ridiculing & ruining the Christian Culture & Middle Class of this country.....

But you think its bad now...well hold on brothers & sisters...we have a Socialist (at least he admits it) & one of the most CORRUPT, VILE & PATHETIC WOMAN running for the COMMUNIST PARTY TICKET.... I mean if this were FRANCE I could understand...but...never mind ....

So I ask you Which LOSER will be anointed by the Idiot Class of this Country to be our Executioner & the one who will READ us our LAST RITES? Hell we've been BRAIN DEAD for DECADES I guess it doesn't really matter too much anymore....

The part that Chaps my Ass is the the Media Portrays this Song & Dance Routine like it's the"RING AROUND THE ROSY RAG".....I hate to tell anyone of the Blithering Idiots out there but its a FUNERAL MARCH....

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