Another thoughtful essay by Danny Jeffrey:
I have not written an essay since October of 2015 when a problem with my heart reminded me that it was time to slow down. If I were granted one wish that I knew would come true it would be that I live long enough to see the American people rise in protest, armed I might add, and be prepared to engage the forces of evil. To this end I have slowed my efforts to warn of coming events as those with the wisdom to understand are already making preparations, and sad to say, the others simply do not matter.

I have spent many years in the effort to understand the Globalist agenda, studying their history, grasping the unrelenting evil that they are employing against us, and predicting their future attacks.

In 2010 I wrote that gaining the House of Representatives would do nothing as the newly elected members of the GOP would promptly sell us out. In 2012 I told all that RINO Mitt Romney was a shill whose only purpose was to make certain that Obama was reelected. Then in 2014 I warned that retaking the Senate would accomplish nothing that we sought. I also promised that the Globalist agenda would quicken in 2015 and quicken still more in 2016. 'Late 2015 or early 2016' was my exact words in predicting the onset of America's death spiral.

Now the entire west is being flooded with Muslims, militant blacks are becoming more aggressive, and the open border is being crossed in record breaking numbers in a cold part of the year when illegal crossings typically slow down.

2016 and our rendezvous with destiny is now an undeniable event and that destiny can be attributed to many causes: Part of the cause is quite naturally the unrelenting assault by the Globalists, our sellout political leaders and courts, our churches defecting to the enemy camp in pursuit of easy cash, our growing welfare state, militant racists, and the list goes on. But, I put the bulk of the problem right where it belongs; in the laps of our apathetic, under informed citizens.

Five plus years ago I was warning that we were heading for civil war and was regarded by most to be on the lunatic fringe. The only reason that I had any readers at all was that I always provided links from reliable sources and logic from my own mind. Now that dreaded term 'Civil War' is becoming common place, Texas has just passed an open carry law, Black Friday broke all time records for gun purchases, and the administration is hell bent on passing as many laws as possible before the actual shooting starts.

Long term readers are well aware that I have long predicted that there would be no election at all in 2016 and it the odd event there is it would be known by all in advance that such an election would be but a farce to appease the hopeful and buy more time for the Globalists to get all of their forces in place. Personally I reject that final proposition as they can trigger this top down/bottom up revolution any time that they want with a financial crash.

Think, if you will, what would happen overnight on the first day of any given month should the government put an end to welfare, EBT cards and such and blamed it on the Republican Party that officially 'controls' Congress.

There would be hell to pay, and that hell would take the form of terrorism nationwide, of rioters and looters burning our cities, of the 'minorities' we so blindly serve, that are on the verge of outnumbering the people who created the greatest nation on Earth.


Most would see that last line and think of Klingons and Star Trek, but 'A good day to die' did not originate on our TVs. It dates back to the Lakota Sioux before Custer and The Little Big Horn. Those people saw their nation, their very way of life, under attack from the white man and knew that they faced a do or die situation such as we find ourselves in today.

The major difference between the Lakota and the 21st century American is that the Sioux were willing to die in defense of their way of life and the futures of their offspring. We, on the other hand, face the future waiting for the next election and shunning any possibility of blood shed, and this is what our modern day patriots call fighting for freedom.

Vote em Out...The battle cry of a people gone soft; the rallying cry of a people who know not history and most certainly do not want to know the future; the trembling voice of a people who would rather compromise than fight; the apologetic echo of a craven people that have compromised for so long they cannot imagine that it may well be a good day to die.

Oh those many years ago when I began writing on the internet, foolishly believing that I could light a fire in the souls of those who live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. I had so much to learn. Today we are no longer free, and the only bravery I see is when our people, with a degree of self satisfaction and blind optimism, vote for their chosen candidate, knowing full well that the Soros owned and operated voting machines will produce the prearranged winner, selected by the Globalist elites.

On second thought, that is not bravery but a self congratulatory effort at those mired in their own little world of escapism, denial, and fantasy.

As Joseph Stalin said "It not the people who vote that matter....it's the people who count the votes that matter."

I have no doubt that 2016 will go down in history as the year America fell. The civil war I speak of will not begin until that fall has taken place. One or more 911 events will occur, Anarchy and Chaos will ensue, terrorism will shake America to her very core, and martial law will be declared. Then and only then will we find out if bravery still exists in America.


For the liberal, the self serving, the ignorant, and the coward, there is never a good day to die. These people are so fearful that they want to control everything we eat, drink, breathe, and smoke. In believing their own superiority they are even convinced that they and their superior thinking should control the climate. As for me, I have come to terms with my own mortality long ago and today the only thing I fear is for the future of this nation, this world, and our offspring.

I can only hope that when I leave this world it will be fighting evil. It would be so meaningless to die of old age.

I shall close this effort with a thought that has long bothered me, and that is how the liberals managed to dilute and alter the meaning of what is perhaps the greatest song ever written about America; The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. As a child I learned and loved that song. In it there is one line that states "As he died to make men holy let us die to make men free." Today's liberals and their cowardly ways altered that great piece of patriotic music to read "As he died to make men holy let us live to make men free."

One word; one concept; one thought that borders on all that is noble was changed and with it the outlook of what once was America died.

Go Here for more and suggested further reading.


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